Put your unpopular opinions here
by silvermyth · 56 comments 7 years ago
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deleted · 7 years ago
I dislike J.K. Rowling because of what she said during the migrant crisis.
"We should be welcoming of illegal immigrants"
*has 7 empty houses that could house two Mexican cities*
carne_asada · 7 years ago
I think it should be easier to become a citizen and that would dirextly addrrss the problem rather than deporting and deporting and deporting
deleted · 7 years ago
You have to remember the multiple possibilities that come with becoming a citizen.
Any sort of nationally planned attack.
Not saying that these Central Americans have any of those plans of them, but the American Dream is something that isn't(and shouldn't be free)
deleted · 7 years ago
I think sports are dumb and college players shouldn't be paid nearly as much as they are
silvermyth · 7 years ago
I agree
deleted · 7 years ago
Sometimes, I truly think that document that holds back certain war tactic(POW, chem weapons) hold back countries from going all out.
deleted · 7 years ago
silvermyth · 7 years ago
The chat is open as long as you want
deleted · 7 years ago
betterthanyou · 7 years ago
@mightyoak only thing college athletes are "paid" is a scholarship to the school they play for. That being said, I do think professional athletes are paid too much, but then again it's all in the name of entertainment and actors/actresses are paid shit loads of money too but you hardly hear criticism of that. Athletes put in a lot of hard work to be able to play/race at the top of their respective sports.
deleted · 7 years ago
That may be true but the money should go to schools and teachers and THAT'S an unpopular opinion
carne_asada · 7 years ago
Sero can you give an example? (i'm not disagreeing i just dont fully unferstand)
deleted · 7 years ago
Say there was a villain and he had blond hair and he the absolute worst things to the protagonist. Killing family, attempting to kill love of pro's life, beating the shit out of him, basically the whole package.
Then you see he has blond hair.
People will start screaming "HE'S LIKE TRUMP" "OH MY GOD DUDE = TRUMP" even when the character was conceived looooooooooong before Donald Trump became so popular.
third · 7 years ago
We live in a culture of self propagating idiocy and no steps are being taken to address it. Institutions like political parties, religious organizations, and the media only make things worse. Humanity is seriously fucked if we don't make a drastic cultural change soon, though it may already be too late.
carne_asada · 7 years ago
I actually agree with third for once
deleted · 7 years ago
Same here. Third says a lot of smart shit if you pay attention
deleted · 7 years ago
So I'm late as hell but apparently this is an unpopular opinion:Don't beat your kids.It doesn't teach respect for others,it teaches resentment to parents and terrible social skills.
carne_asada · 7 years ago
I think "beat" was the wrong word. I think "spank" would be better. And yes i agree. It gives kids a message that "stronger =better" and that hitting gives you authority
deleted · 7 years ago
I think spanking is ok as long as you don't use it to cause pain or humiliate. My mom would give me one quick swat, it never hurt, but it was embarrassing enough to make me stop
There are some kids at Walmart that need the shit beat out of them. Super nanny can't help those kids
tarotnathers13th · 7 years ago
Pain and humiliation is the crux of it. If bring too much pain, or the other, all they'll feel is adverse to disciplinary action and would likely not stop the deed, but attempt to repeat it in discretion away from the whole debacle. I can honestly say I could tell when either was too much. Making fun of me and making me look like an idiot doesn't enourage me to do any better, it'll just make me despise it and you wholeheartedly. It honestly made me feel like I couldn't do any better, and I was just stuck with being stupid.