hyperion · 7 years ago
Who were the peeps
deleted · 7 years ago
Wamp wamp waaaaaaamp
deleted · 7 years ago
I don't even know lol I forgot to vote because...well to start at the beginning, on Tuesday my hubby woke up feeling achy and unwell. He had a rash on his shoulder blade but I just thought it was friction from him itching at night, later he developed a fever and shakes so I called 111 (non emergency medical number) at 10pm and they sent out an ambulance at about 3am. Paramedic said to make a GP appointment which we did at 8.30am for 10.20am, GP said he had to go to the hospital as shingles can be deadly for CKD patients. Got there at 12pm, they confirm he has shingles and is kept in the hospital for blood tests etc until 7.30pm. Got home, had dinner and slept away through most of the night until hubby woke up feverish, confused and vomiting. I'm awake until 8am keeping an eye on him as he sleeps. Slept the rest of the day.
rosebud · 7 years ago
judging by the way you format time and the fact that you call a doctor a general practitioner, I'm assuming you didn't vote in your English election thing that Theresa May made?
cakelover · 7 years ago
Nah Rosebud, that's the General Election. This was a local election, I believe to elect a local mayor.
Peach that sounds like a heavy day *pats on shoulder*
shiftingsands · 7 years ago
Wait when was the local one? It means I've forgotten too. I'm boring in the general one by postal voting anyway
deleted · 7 years ago
Thanks cakey :) it was on 4th May shifty
shiftingsands · 7 years ago
Oh :(
deleted · 7 years ago
The elections were local, it was to select a new MP and new party for the town. Every towns local elections are the same day.
shiftingsands · 7 years ago
I know. I just didn't know we had one that day, was more focused in the general one
deleted · 7 years ago
I was just explaining it to cakey :)