How to steal likes
by creativedragonbaby · 14 comments 6 years ago
creativedragonbaby · 6 years ago
Say someone posts a funny comment. You wanna steal their likes? Just "react" to it. People will like your reaction.
carbonatedwaffles · 6 years ago
Or find a comment with a bunch of likes and respond with "damn, beat me to it"
myfi · 6 years ago
What?! No way! You beat me to it :/
creativedragonbaby · 6 years ago
rosebud · 6 years ago
or just say something that everyone else will recognize. like if there's a post about something, make a pop-culture reference to something and check back in twelve hours to 16 likes
deleted · 6 years ago
Or just type what's on your mind and not worry about the likes
"Like stealing" isn't a thing unless that's all you care about
rosebud · 6 years ago
it's this subconscious thing that I do pretty often. The star system has some weird hierarchy where it's like I feel rewarded when I achieve getting higher on the list.
deleted · 6 years ago
I'm not destined to be popular then
deleted · 6 years ago
I do have a weird attachment to my star but I like to lose it and get it back. I'm currently attempting to get it back. It's a way to keep me entertained, my little game
creativedragonbaby · 6 years ago
I constantly have a star. Look on the leaderboards.
zombieboi · 6 years ago
Is that gay porn? Not it's when you...
spazz · 6 years ago
likes don't matter, they're fake internet points bro :U
creativedragonbaby · 6 years ago
They give me gratification
mrfahrenheit · 6 years ago
I just say something like *seinfeld theme plays*