Warning to actors/models
by jade · 5 comments 6 years ago
jade · 6 years ago
I applied for a paying job I found online. The site where I found it has four categories when it comes to pay: none, low, paid, or see details. The job I applied for said low. After getting the job, even the address to the news station it was at, I asked about the pay specifics. I knew it wasn't very much, but I still wanted to know before I drove a long way to this job. The response I got was that they would have food at the studio. That and the image grew screen raws would be my PAYMENT. I cancelled the job. Moral of the story: always ask about pay specifics if you're an actor/model/performer whatever. It's insane to me how they wouldn't just put "none" because food isn't payment? I want money not studio leftovers from reporters.
jade · 6 years ago
Green screen raws* lol
creativedragonbaby · 6 years ago
Wow that's harsh.
creativedragonbaby · 6 years ago
Yo good for you to find out the deets before accepting anything
unicycle · 6 years ago
My brother is a photographer and people are constantly trying to pay him in food or "exposure." I think it's a common theme in the arts where people try to underpay you for something that takes time and skill. Good on you for looking out and keep your head up!