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meeptastic · 6 years ago
LINGUISTICS. You'll literally be set for life, still get to see interesting places, and once you're out, you'll always get hired
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
Air Force Pilot and then NASA bud.
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
meeptastic has the 100% useful advice though.... but... SPACE MUFUCKA
zinope · 6 years ago
I just don't advise young people to join the military. It's not worth it unless you have a calling to serve your country.
famousone · 6 years ago
I'm going for CTI. My eyes are not good enough to fly, and learning and interpreting other languages will be pretty cool.
I do love my country, and I think I look forward to serving.
zinope · 6 years ago
hows your pt?
famousone · 6 years ago
Not half bad, and getting better. Why?
zinope · 6 years ago
as in how many pushups, situps, 2 mile run time. It'll matter
famousone · 6 years ago
63 pushups in two minutes 70 situps in two minutes 17:40 to run two miles.
zinope · 6 years ago
you need to work on that run, the others are ok
famousone · 6 years ago
So far as I'm concerned, they all need work.
zinope · 6 years ago
I said ok, not good. I'd recommend Insanity or HIIT based cardio workouts, that's what you'd be doing during training
famousone · 6 years ago
Got it. I'll look that stuff up. Thanks.
i_ · 6 years ago
Best wishes in your adventure
salivacocktail · 6 years ago
I wish I could serve my country but I'm too much of a pansy. I don't know how some women can do it. Much respect.
mrfahrenheit · 6 years ago
What's an ASVAB?
famousone · 6 years ago
A test used by the US military to find out if their mind is good enough for the military, and what jobs they'd be best suited for.
mrfahrenheit · 6 years ago
Ooh. Well, what jobs are you interested in?
famousone · 6 years ago
CTI, HM, Nuke. In that order.