morebacon · 6 years ago
The making of who we are, up to today, are pages in our book of life. Moments in time, etched forever in our minds. Or so we think. Some words, paragraphs, even pages seem to be missing. Some we remember to rip out, others we forget ever existed. Pages so painful, they crush our souls under the weight of the ocean. We lock them away, behind the chained up doors in the hallways of our minds. Sometimes they seem to find their way back in the book and we cant help but reread them. Like a spell, they bring about dark clouds of fear and anger. It's the pages in between we must look to for strength though. For they hold the stories of conquest and courage. Of the times we picked ourselves up, and pushed forward into the unknown. Of life, love, and loss. Stories that make us who we truly are. No book is truly complete without dark moments. Where the hero thought all hope was lost. Yet found the strength to take just one more step, then another. That's what we all must strive
morebacon · 6 years ago
strive to be and realize what we have been, our own hero. Lost, without hope at times, but never defeated. We must make each page in our book count, whether in good times or bad. By looking to the past, we know we can overcome adversity. But dwelling on the past pages drains the imagination and drive to write a new page, to make a new memory...
deleted · 6 years ago
Apparently I am, but I didn't even knew
parisqeen · 6 years ago
Lovely morebacon. Speaking of books I have a literal one I wrote during my intense stage of depression, I like reading it occasionally although it's sad to see the way I used to think and how bad it used to be but it helps me see how much I've improved. It's nice to know that what I think is 'bad' isn't in comparison to my past feelings, so it puts everything into perspective. Journalling is one of my favourite pass times
homestucktrash · 6 years ago
Ha ha ha nope what's depression never heard of it because I am a totally healthy normal person, and my obsession over comedy is totally not based on making a shield for myself so that everything is a joke and if everything is a joke nothing is serious and then nothing can hurt me. See? Perfectly fine here!