sir_spiderman · 6 years ago
From just looking at a woman in her office, I determined that her parents were overweight and at least one was Baptist Christian which the daughter took after. Her two brothers and one sister were overweight as was her husband and daughter.

She was fairly negligent in her work as she forgot to due several extremely important and vital things during the signing of paperwork and it wasn't due to being new as she had a plaque speaking of 10 years of dedicated service. Her daughter is likely in second/third grade due to the uniformity of the drawings on the wall and the fact that they were aligned like a school project. She has little talent for the subject.

I'd say it was fairly accurate and only slightly creepy. Does anyone else do this?
klymaxx · 6 years ago
Haha Yes. My husband and I do this. Sometimes we analyze single people..mostly couples though. We watch them for a little bit, see how they act together then analyze their relationship and sex life. It's pretty fun
mrfahrenheit · 6 years ago
I feel like every Sherlock fan has done this at least once.
sir_spiderman · 6 years ago
I've never watched Sherlock XD

I hear great things about it so I might one day.
deleted · 6 years ago
Ohhhh I so do this.
I have Psychology as a subject and I have 2-3 books about Body Language.
And I am obviously a Sherlock Fan. So,
Hell yeah I love it
deleted · 6 years ago