sir_spiderman · 6 years ago
For either I tend to get just really paranoid. Well, not really any more than usual but I just tend to be more wary because I am intimately aware of the fact that all my defense and logical thinking skills are shot.

If I'm not extremely comfortable or in a familiar place then you'll just get a really quiet me who will randomly get angry because a smile is etched onto my face. But if i continue to drink then you'll gonna need at least a good quart and a half of high-quality moonshine before I go down.
klymaxx · 6 years ago
Smoking makes me paranoid and highly anxious. I'd just sit quietly bugging out..probably looking like a tweaker...which is why I don't anymore. It made me feel vulnerable too because like you said defense and logic were gone.
Drinking makes me a little more outspoked and giggly but not obnoxious and annoying. I also don't have to drink a lot..1 or 2 drinks and I'm good haha But I don't drink anymore either
mrfahrenheit · 6 years ago
deleted · 6 years ago
Don't really care. My parents have been doing it since I was a kid.
hyperion · 6 years ago
I'm a heavy drinker so I can drink for a long time.
for smoking the smell soothes me. But I don't smoke anymore. The smell still gets me sometimes
deleted · 6 years ago
I hate smoking and drinking because my mom used to abuse me with both sooooo, yup. I kinda get angry when someone I care about drinks more than necessary now
tarotnathers13th · 6 years ago
Sort of indifferent. I've never been in close proximity to any of the negatives, so I just tolerate it until it makes me uncomfortable, then I'll just leave the area. Not a fan of the smell for the most part. My nose isn't the best, but cigarrete smoke doesn't agree with my senses.
cannibananalism · 6 years ago
Alcohol is one of my biggest fears. I refuse to interact with anyone who has been drinking, and I avoid social events or parties that involve alcohol. I won't even use mouthwash or rubbing alcohol. It's a fairly irrational fear, but it hasn't completely debilitated me.
klymaxx · 6 years ago
@cannibananalism Why rubbing alcohol? Ethanol alcohol is understandable
cannibananalism · 6 years ago
No idea. I won't use the prep pads for shots or too much hand sanitizer either.
hyperion · 6 years ago
But alcohol is used for so many things. It's something unavoidable.
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
at the same time? Being twisted is my favorite state of mind besides a good shroom trip and some sticky icky. I haven't smoked since January though... no idea how I'd be with my tolerance down.
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
btw I'm a very happy drunk.