Creative suggestions.
by tarotnathers13th · 43 comments 6 years ago
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deleted · 6 years ago
These armored fiends, do they respect the lightly armored and quick Blackfurrs?
chakun · 6 years ago
Depends, how do the Blackfurrs act?
deleted · 6 years ago
They are the most shadowy guild. If you need something "lost" they're there. As long as you don't want someone dead or a large deal taken, the Blackfurrs are there. However, they are not mercenaries. They are like a family willing to help a fellow man. But, as soon as you kill their brothers and sister, may that be the giant bred rats and mice, or a person, they will hunt you down.
chakun · 6 years ago
Then they would probably respect you, they might even contract out matters of subterfuge to be handled by the Blackfurrs. The Orders of Brelin and St. Packard aren't exactly known for their subtlety. You could hear the armor of the Order of Brelin from quite a ways off given a good wind, and the Order of St. Packard is known to clear entire forests for their siege engines.
deleted · 6 years ago
Ah, maybe a few kinks in the enemy fortress, or maybe a civil war begins at the worst time. How unfortunate.
deleted · 6 years ago
@tarotnathers13th oh alright lol! So how's it turning out, the army thing mean?
chakun · 6 years ago
@grimreaper, @famousone, you guys want to try your hands at creating a knightly Order? It's fun~
deleted · 6 years ago
Ok I could
famousone · 6 years ago
The Unforgiven. A once great order that erased their own history when one of them attempted to lead a rebellion. When the king chose to forgive the survivors, they in turn chose to accept the criminals and the disgraced who would have otherwise hanged or turned to banditry. They have no honor, and will fight as such. Low blows, espionage, ambush and assassination. As masters of guerrilla warfare they have done it all. Individual cells are nightmares, but the whole, by design, lack the cohesion to pull off large campaigns on their own.
Almost more trouble than their worth, they will gladly disgrace themselves further still for their lord.
They have no colors or flags to bear in battle, but for ceremonies sake they have adopted inverted versions of the King's own colors and sigil to symbolise that they are, in their own eyes, the left hand of God.
famousone · 6 years ago
Did I do that right?
chakun · 6 years ago
No! You fucked it up, you fucked it all up!
famousone · 6 years ago
chakun · 6 years ago
For real, though it's pretty damn good.
famousone · 6 years ago
Thanks. I legitimately thought I screwed up for a second
tarotnathers13th · 6 years ago
These are all some really good ideas and inspiration, sorry if If I'm 12 hours late to respond to you all.
tarotnathers13th · 6 years ago
Alright, looking at the total so far 8 out of the twelve houses have been written, thank you all for all your wonderful suggestions.
deleted · 6 years ago
You're welcome! Like I said earlier just ask me if you want any ideas (∩_∩)
creativedragonbaby · 6 years ago
The house of Trenil.
Seemingly kind to everyone, they help eachother and everyone around them until an opportunity arises, when they will suddenly stab you in the back and disappear. They have no uniform, only a patch of a man with his shadow looming behind him to identify "friends"
tarotnathers13th · 6 years ago
All wrapped up, all the houses are written and accounted for, thank you for your suggestions.
creativedragonbaby · 6 years ago
Ya ok I might look for some ideas here anyway