Animator Problems
by snowpanther · 7 comments 6 years ago
snowpanther · 6 years ago
@chilledtothebone we might talk here so we won't disturb others. If you want to talk of course
chilledtothebone · 6 years ago
Sure thing! What should we discuss about animation?
snowpanther · 6 years ago
except I had to sleep so sorry for not replying
like how the program I use either has pen pressure or audio support
but not both
chilledtothebone · 6 years ago
Oh that's fine, don't worry about it.
Also yeah, I use Flash Animate, and it bugs me so much that there's no pen pressure. (Or at least, there isn't as far as I can find.) It really screws up my linework, and it just makes it harder to actually finish anything. Ugggh!
There's also a weird feature in Flash where if you're coloring something, all the lines have to be connecting. If there's even a ONE pixel gap, the color won't fill. And it drives me insane. Sometimes I spend ten minutes alone just trying to find the damned gap.
snowpanther · 6 years ago
Why don't you just color it/block it?
also I use Krita which always freezes when it autosaves, giving me a heart attack
and what animation are you working on right now?
chilledtothebone · 6 years ago
I'm actually taking a break from bigger projects, and just doing some movement tests right now so I can try and improve how my animation looks, for now. Stuff like walking, turning around, talking, etc. How about you?
Also yeah, Flash does that too when it autosaves, and it freaks me out every time.
snowpanther · 6 years ago
I'm making a TF2 animation for "I'll burn it to the ground" (It's a song)