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klymaxx · 6 years ago
There's a needle that moves around and some metal can type things you hold..It's kind of like a lie detector...the auditor tells you to think of your past, any times that trauma may have occurred and if the needle moves significantly they tell you to concentrate on that memory and talk about it. I was already in therapy outside of Scientology and I didn't want to talk about anything so I started lying about what memories I was having. Since I was being audited for liking both sexes and they knew I was lying they jumped to sexual abuse.
klymaxx · 6 years ago
They started asking if I was being abused, which I wasn't. I don't want to talk about all the questions they asked me but basically the auditor tried to put it in my mind that my mom was sexually abusing me. I was made to sit there for a couple hours while this person tried to make me admit to something that never happened. Eventually my dad came to pick me up and we left. They never made me do the E-meter again but my auditor would bring up the issue frequently. My dad, his wife, and several members of the church would also try to make me forget my real mom and would try to I guess brainwash me with the idea that my dads wife was my mom. It didn't work but as a small child it was very upsetting. Having to listen to people talk trash about my mother not just around me but to me was awful.
klymaxx · 6 years ago
About my leaving the church...my mom never approved of Scientology and told my dad she didn't want me getting involved. My dad started me on courses anyway and told me it was just tutoring so there was no need to tell my mom. Well, I told my grandmother(my dads mom) about this "cool tutoring dad signed me up for" and she told my mom. My mom was furious and called my dad out on it. People started following her to work but never made contact with her. She would also get strange calls sometimes at work "do you know where your daughter is *moms name*?" Which frequently caused my mom to leave work early and get me from school. She would sometimes get calls at night as well..someone telling her what a bad person she was and that she was a failure as a parent.
klymaxx · 6 years ago
My aunt had a friend who was in Scientology for 3 years and she spent thousands of dollars but wasn't happy. She left and was harassed to the point she changed her number and moved. Someone came to her work one day to deliver a package. She signed for it and when she opened it the box was empty. A few weeks or months later the police came to her house to arrest her. They explained that the church had recieved a bomb threat from her with her signature on one of her office notepads. She was let go but she figured the package guy stole her notepad when he delivered the fake package and she gave him her signature.
klymaxx · 6 years ago
My dad recommended Scientology to his brother. My uncle checked it out, went to a Dianetics office, filled out some paper work, took some tests but decided it wasn't for him. Fir months after he would get "solicitors" at his home trying to convince him to join. They finally left him alone after he grabbed one of the guys, hung him over the edge of his balcony( maybe 15+ ft drop), and threated to drop him.
klymaxx · 6 years ago
Not everyone who leaves is harassed though. I don't think it's a very common thing unless you were a high up person(OT Levels) or a celebrity. My dad had a friend who was in it for a couple of years then he left and that was that. I knew many people who left the church my dad is a part of but they would still come by to say hi to old friends who worked there. There never seemed to be any hard feelings.
klymaxx · 6 years ago
Whew...ok that's all I can think to share so if you have questions I'll try to answer as best I can
itsamemaria · 6 years ago
Oh wow! Thank you very much for sharing!!! I truly appreciate it. I'm sorry your mom went through that too but she sounds like she took care of you! Thanks again. I mean some of the things they say on TV sound like modern slavery to me, but ypur story makes me realize it is like that baf for some but no others.
morebacon · 6 years ago
Holy crap man. Yea the Xenu stuff kills me everytime I read about it.
klymaxx · 6 years ago
If they made a movie about Xenu I would totally watch it. L. Ron Hubbard is actually a really good scifi writer..I like his books
morebacon · 6 years ago
The southpark episode makes me laugh every time I think about it.
klymaxx · 6 years ago
I haven't seen it..I didn't even know about it until a few months ago
morebacon · 6 years ago
Oh you should look it up and watch it. It's amazing.
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
the South Park episode is amazing... they put a disclaimer up and everything before they tell the Xenu story. Also, watch "The Master". Idk if it was you I told to watch it like 3-4 weeks ago... but w/e. It's about a dude who creates kinda the same thing... has Joaquin Phoenix and Phillip Seymour Hoffman.
Somehow Trey and Matt did the Mormon's even worse... I find that remarkable.
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
Not worse... dirtier I guess. I mean what is one episode vs a few episodes and then a broadway play they took around the country that won awards? XD 9 freaking Tony Awards lmao.
itsamemaria · 6 years ago
Book of mormon is amazing and hilarious!!! I thought mormons would be offended but no! Was recommended to us by one and there were some in the audience when I saw it and a few outside the venue giving away info on tbe religion. Apparently They have a great sense of humor then
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
Yeah, they really did have a great sense of humor about it all... you know if they what they did with The Book of Mormon to Scientology they'd be getting death threats most likely.
itsamemaria · 6 years ago
Oh yeah!
deleted · 6 years ago
@klymaxx I'm glad I read your experience of it, you don't really hear much about regular people's experiences with it.
I personally despise Scientology, I always will.
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
the south park episode is on now! TOM CRUISE COME OUT OF THE CLOSET!