deleted · 6 years ago
I saw a shadow person, I've heard knocking on my windows late at night, I almost always feel like I'm being watched and my doorbell rang for a solid minute and a half but when I looked outside no one was there.
tarotnathers13th · 6 years ago
My brother had a ghost scream at him. Really freaked him out. We went to go visit some family friends, and they had ended up buying a house where all but one of the previous residents were murdered. Ended up haunted, and the place felt like it. Cold, chilly, nothing kept you warm in there. Always felt like someone was watching you from behind the walls. He encountered the mother who had been murdered when he was going to the bathroom late in the night, and the bathroom trip was the creepiest part of sleeping in that house. It was walking through a pitch black thin hallway to get to this tiny claustrophobic closet with a toilet and sink. He was creeping his way to it when he said he saw something blacker than the shadows manifest in front of him and he froze right before it shrieked at him. He ran right back to where his bed was set up howling for me to get up. I had slept through the entire thing, and did not sleep easy after being told the whole story.
deleted · 6 years ago
When I lived in a trailer park there was pool right behind my trailer, and some kid drawned in it, and I swear sometimes at night you could hear cries coming from it
cannibananalism · 6 years ago
Wow, these are insane.
tarotnathers13th · 6 years ago
The next time we took a family trip up there, he played World of Warcraft non-stop on a laptop through the nights. He leveled a character from 1 to 50 that way. He said the reason he did it was because it was the only way he kept himself calm and collected and so he didn't freak out when noises happened throughout the night.
hyperion · 6 years ago
For an entire month I kept waking up to screams and creepy visions. They dont hapoen anymore but i almost considered going to the doctor because they couldn't let me sleep. The came back later but stopped after a while.
creativedragonbaby · 6 years ago
I had this dream where I was in my house, and I was watching a YouTube video of someone reacting to a 'cursed' video. They clicked on it and said "Oh god no not this one!" And the video overtook my page. I tried exiting out, but it just asked "Reload/Cancel" I couldn't close it. The video had flashes of these animals with a girl's head. All the way through the video she was saying something though I can't remember what. At the end, she said "Turn around so we can play!" I turned around and there WAS A DOLL RIGHT BEHIND ME! She was literally a doll, and she fell backwards into an open cupboard behind me and I ran for my bedroom but woke up before I got there.
creativedragonbaby · 6 years ago
One time, a door opened in my house but it's a really hard door to open and it closes pretty securely
deleted · 6 years ago
Idk if this counts but i always feel like theres a presence in my room, and it terrifies me. I refuse to open my eyes after the lights go off and im always uneasy. Its bad, but it doesnt affect my sleeping because im used to it
deleted · 6 years ago
Oh and when I was littler, my dad said our house had spirits in it. Not horrible spirits but, more pranksterish. We'd often hear our names being called when no one called it. And my dad told me (since i didn't remember) that our bathtub faucet would continuously get turned around and no one in our house did it. Me and my sister were too little and weak to do it and my parents didn't do it either
parisqeen · 6 years ago
Blue static people walk in and out of our house, they don't do anything but they like to wander into the kitchen and through the wall that leads into our lounge. My sister and I get pretty freaked out from them but they've been harmless so fair. The freaky thing is my sister said one looked just like me so she followed it until it went through a wall. I like to think spirits are real because of this.
deleted · 6 years ago
What are blue static people
rydler · 6 years ago
Sometimes, when I'm at the computer, I'll hear my name whispered right behind me. No one else hears it, nobody actually said it.
kouyaaotsuki · 6 years ago
For some reason, whenever I go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, the toilet is directly in from of the shower stall, the surface of the stall door is glass, but since it's been cleaned so well, you can see your reflection often at night. If I ever look back mid-pee, I see an reflection of myself, but darker and I can't see my eyes on the reflection.
@germansatan, keep crystals in your room if it helps, like amethysts, rose quartz, magnetite
kouyaaotsuki · 6 years ago
*toilet is directly in front of shower stall
Grammar error
And also @german_satan, sorry I got your name wrong
parisqeen · 6 years ago
That's just what they look like, a deep navy blue and their figures move like static all the time, like shaking scribbles
mrdad01 · 6 years ago
Well let's see, been scratched in my attic that happens to contain a very very old wooden bed, had the attic door that was held shut with a clasp pop open, seen reflections of movement behind me in a turned off computer screen (crt monitor) heard my name called loudly in the recently deceased previous owners voice(this was a shared experience with my mom about 14 years ago we knew the owner) a shadow of a hung person can be seen in the top of the 170 year old barn on certain nights (tried to get pics but cameras/cell phones always spaz out) I'll stop there for now.