How high have you been?
by deleted · 42 comments 6 years ago
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funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
THC: I drank like 2 shots worth of this liquid stuff the homies and I picked up in Colorado. I hadn't smoked in awhile and I got stoned AF... just basically sleeping everywhere I went. I woke up at a friends house I hadn't seen in like 4 years and I kept apologizing that I had slept through it. He understood.
Shrooms: I ate about 4 grams about 3 hrs after coming off a hangover (never do this). The first 2 hours were good... but then I decided to start moving instead of staying in place. I threw up in the middle of my foyer and spend an hr cleaning it up, but it felt like 6 hrs. I got back upstairs and I swear I realized why Hindu gods have so many arms (I felt like I had 6)... then things took a turn for the worst and I started getting really hot, to the point I thought I was on fire, then suddenly I'd get REALLY cold. That went on for another 2-3 hours and I kept jumping in/out of the shower to try and regulate. Only "bad" trip on shrooms I've had.. and enjoyed a lot of it.
rosalinas · 6 years ago
Like the 24th floor so that's pretty high but not too high
deleted · 6 years ago
Funk knows how to party. I'd say the friend who most definitely is not me had their only bad high while crossfading at our high school teacher's house while they weren't there. It was the stickiest of icky
deleted · 6 years ago
And tequila
deleted · 6 years ago
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
Damn bro... the teacher? Did she have a kid at the school? How'd y'all get in? Where I am crossfaded = twisted; just a cool side note. Anyway... mentioning that reminded me when I was twisted at a friends b-day and he got butt-hurt I didn't pick up an eighth for him (I had no cash and bought him booze already)... I wound up cussing him out and walking 15 miles home with a dead phone. Maybe it sounds extreme but that was the 2nd time I had done it (wound up doing it 3x).
deleted · 6 years ago
Roller Coaster rides, Roller coaster rides everywhere.
deleted · 6 years ago
That's a long walk bro, how much had you crossed (or twisted I guess). The time my friend who is SWIM crossed she was already shitfaced then decided to smoke about 2.5 bowls. At first it was awesome, then I lost hours of my memory and ended up places with no recollection of how I got there. Then I was kind of spooked. The teacher was on vacation and was having a student come over to feed her dogs, so we decided to feed her dogs at 2am.
deleted · 6 years ago
At least that's what they told me, I just kind of opened my eyes and surprise I'm at my teachers house. To be honest I was doing that thing where you shift through dimensions when you're really high, combined with the lack of memory and coordination of alcohol.
deleted · 6 years ago
Side note: the number of shots or bowls may sound small, but that's because friend who is most definitely not me is a 110 pound white bitch, so a lightweight.
morebacon · 6 years ago
I ate way to high on acid that the whole houseacame to life like Beauty and the Beast.
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
We split about 2.5g among the 5 of us and I had drank about a fifth. Lol I know the feeling.. I describe it as feeling like my body is warping it's shape.
One time I got lost in Austin, TX visiting a friend on Halloween and just walked around all night looking for his apartment (turns out I was off by ONE street at like 2 am. I eventually made my way to the communications building at UT... and they didn't have a freaking phone -.- wtf. I took a nap and as classes started someone let me borrow their phone so I left a message to a friend back in DFW to spam one of my friends in Austin until he woke up and then tell me where I was and come pick me up. They wouldn't allow me into the bars with sandals, so I had to borrow some shoes that didn't fit right, my feet were sooo sore.
deleted · 6 years ago
You sure know how to party Funk.
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
Yeah... while in HS I didn't have time for it until the last few months after basketball ended... and then I went nuts for a few years. I had a full ride to St Johns that I screwed up in my first semester... was in and out of colleges across the US for like 4 years before I finally even earned my associates degree. While I regret a lot of it, I can't deny that I had a fucking blast.
deleted · 6 years ago
Yes your stories are a proof.
deleted · 6 years ago
My worst stories mostly involves alcohol, sadly
deleted · 6 years ago
It's okay we accept those too.
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
all the worst stories involve alcohol.
captainjackharknes · 6 years ago
Once I was at the top of a really tall building.
klymaxx · 6 years ago
My first time on acid I experienced synesthesia. I got lost and ended up in a parking lot waiting for a friend to pick me up. I was laying on the ground and thought I was watching a traffic light. Every time it changed I could taste the color. It was a loooong night. I went back to the parking lot the next day and there was no traffic light.
Dmt is also the highest I've been...EVER. It's too much to describe