sir_spiderman · 6 years ago
A few years ago I really focused on trying to get rid of my speech impediment and as a result people seem to think that I'm foreign with my "accent". Every now and then I have to yell or I get excited and my "Southern Drawl" becomes so obvious and I absolutely love it. By obvious I mean obvious to me, naturally it's considered normal here.
Does anyone else here swap between accents when they get excited or lax? My Spanish teacher used to do it with going from English to Spanish-ish English to full Spanish when she got mad and it was amazing.
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
I can go from "whatchyou doin round here boy?" to "LOBSTER" to "dudeman don't get butthurt, hash it out". Growing up I traveled a lot and made fun of a lot of people.
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
I guess it would sound more like... "LOBSTA!!!" but w/e.