Starting University in 28days. Any Tipps?
by deleted · 14 comments 6 years ago
hyperion · 6 years ago
Study, reduce time spent on tv and games. Talk to your professors if you need help. Don't forget to make friends.
There's a time and place to hang out and have fun, know when it's the right time.
mrfahrenheit · 6 years ago
Coffee is your friend
pitty · 6 years ago
Do your work as soon as it is assigned and don't procrastinate.
fell_equinox · 6 years ago
Don't let people mix your drinks !!
unicycle · 6 years ago
Work hard but know when enough is enough. Talk to people from as many different places and backgrounds as you can. Go to your classes even when you don't want to; professors will be much more inclined to help someone who's been there consistently. Take advantage of as many resources as you can like guest lectures, recreation classes, etc even if they're not required. Don't stress too much about small things because everything will work out even if it feels like the world is ending.
pandaman1 · 6 years ago
If you go to a party dont drink anything you didnt get yourself.
rosalinas · 6 years ago
Don't sit individually
In a few first days/classes/etc, sit in places where there are lots of people (middle of The class or the few last rows. Avoid the first row) so you can meet up with people and if the teacher wants to work in group, you can just get in with people around you
After that, you can do things your way cause you have built a decent amount of connections in that class
fell_equinox · 6 years ago
If you are given a paper or a project that's not due for a few days or weeks, work on it a little bit every day.
Professors seem to sense when their colleagues give you a project so they all start giving you projects. As long as you work on it a little bit every day before it's due, you won t be overwhelmed with work.
Go out with friends at least once a week. You won't realize it at first, but not socializing will stress you the fuck out. Dont go out too much or you won't get your stuff done.
College isn't like high school. There's no such thing as late assignments. If you don't turn it in the day it's due, you'll get a big fat 0.
NOTES: when your professor has a PowerPoint, write what you see as quickly as you can or short hand it. When your done, write EVERYTHING your professor says about it underneath. If a classmate asks a good question, write it down and write the answer your professor gives. If you ask nicely, your professor will sometimes email you the powerpoint.
fell_equinox · 6 years ago
Do not be afraid to email your professor if you have any questions or if you're going to be late. I know at the university I went to, all my professors were really quick to email back. They really appreciate it when you try to understand something better instead if just winging it.
If you're going to be gone for a day or two, let them know ahead of time. You'll get your homework early and hopefully finish it before you leave. Even if you're sick, they expect your work to be done on time.
Dress professionally. I'm not saying wear a suit everyday, but wear something you'd put on in church. You can have your casual days, but college classes aren't very long and dressing nice for a fee hours won t kill you.
Live off campus if you can! You'll have more freedom and won't be kicked out every holiday like dorms. You'll save money and learn to be responsible. Some colleges make freshmen live in campus so you might have to deal for a year, but keep your eyes out for apartments later
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
1) GO TO FUCKING CLASS. I absolutely cannot stress how important this part is. You may get the syllabus and think you can do all the work in a week (you can) but you won't if you don't go to class. If anything do the work in class if you can. Seriously, having a schedule you adhere too even if you don't want to will just make you a better human being. I don't care if you are in bed with beyonce... YOU GO TO FUCKING CLASS.
2) Don't overexert while studying.... trust yourself, YOU WENT TO CLASS.... THE PROFESSOR ALREADY TOLD YOU THE ANSWER. GO TO FUCKING CLASS.
3) Have fun... but not so much fun that it impedes your ability to stay awake IN FUCKING CLASS.
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
@fell_equinox your prof's never just put the PP's online? That sucks.
5) MyMathLabPlus WILL pull some BS on you if you have to use it. If it does, write the problem down and solve it on the piece of paper and show both it and a SS of your "incorrect" answer to your prof. I hate that fucking PoS garbage software. Also.... GO TO CLASS!!!!!!!
fell_equinox · 6 years ago
What's really great about math labs is that they give 100% relevant practice problems so if a specific equation is hard to understand then you can practice as much as you want
Some of my professors gave PPs online, but usually the ones previously done. Have to ask to see the ones for a few days ahaead
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
ah forsure. Yeah I don't mind the practice problems on MMLP, but what I hate is when you type out the right answer and it says it's wrong because it's formatted in a different way or something. Or sometimes it'll say round to two decimal places and then say the right answer is to one decimal place. That's just aggravating.
fell_equinox · 6 years ago