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sir_spiderman · 6 years ago
Food is only an issue now because of lack of easy transfer that willdecrease as time goes on. Not to mention the amount of time before we start growing foodoutside the highly inefficient method we use now. Not to mention genetic modifications that will allow faster growing as well as healthier good that grows in all environment. Good isn't an issue.
rydler · 6 years ago
Just making sure y'all had thought about it.
geluregis · 6 years ago
Y'all should check out 17776, it addresses this sort of thing. Basically, immortality isn't bad, but humanity's kinda stagnating.
kouyaaotsuki · 6 years ago
I remember ted-ed also made an video about immortality, IF immortality could occur in humans, reproduction would not be nessesary, but then the entire species will die off natural disasters slowly. If reproduction is still possible with immortality, then the earth would overpopulate and we will destroy ourselves by lack of resources.
sir_spiderman · 6 years ago
Humans are only decades away from expanding from Earth to live in other areas. A common mistake is to assume that humans will never leave Earth when we know we will.
kouyaaotsuki · 6 years ago
Who else remembers the speech about in 1997 stating in a decade we will have flying cars? Yeah, we’re still waiting...
sir_spiderman · 6 years ago
This isn't some pipe dream. We have the technology to do it right now. Humans are curious and like to explore. During this exploration we tend to leave a few behind.
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
No. Just no. Immortality is a VERY bad thing. It halts evolution... we'd become unacceptable to extinction through disease very fast, hell we already are without immortality. Death is necessary for change... unless you really want to sit around and constantly splice every cell's DNA in your body at once, which would most likely kill you anyway... And then, again... do we fuck or not fuck at that point? More immortals is not a good idea, the universe itself is not infinite. Sure, it make a trillion trillion years to exhaust all the resources, but then what? Actually dark energy would take over long before then and you wouldn't be able to get anywhere even if you could build a wormhole (you couldn't, not enough regular matter to convert to energy)... and even if you did where would you go? The rest of the universe would be just as barren and worthless. Would it be fun to live for a billion years? Yeah, probably... immortal? No, absolutely not.
sir_spiderman · 6 years ago
It wouldn't take a trillion years. It would take 1e1e1500 years before life is impossible. Disease wouldn't be an issue either due to the medical processes that would make us immortal would allow it to be cured with ease. It wouldn't stop evolution either due to humans changing themselves over time as we have been for our entire existence.

The idea that death being necessary for change is stupid as well as humans have drastically changed our culture even over the last decade. I agree that the universe is not infinite, but it kinda is. We could never even completely mad out the space in our solar system even over quadrillions of years.

It seems like you misunderstood what we meant. We don't mean true immortality, merely biological immortality.
sir_spiderman · 6 years ago
And what do you mean dark energy? Eventually the universe will stretch and causing galaxies to cross the cosmological horizon, but we can easily move entire galaxies closer to prevent this. True, over time periods that cannot be expressed reasonable other than a gogleplex of years the universe's expansionwill pull apart even the bonds between protons and electrons, but that would be long after all useable forms of energy would be used and life become impossible.
sir_spiderman · 6 years ago
You also seen to think that evolution in humans is required. Humans aren't going to truly evolve once we settle the universe as we would likely replace biological life with infinitely more efficient androids.
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
we've changed ourselves BECAUSE we die. You can't just splice genes into every cell in your body and you never will. You can splice genes before a sperm and egg meet, but after that, you have what you have.
sir_spiderman · 6 years ago
Why not? We already can splice genes into cells and know the technology in how to transfer it to every cell. You are claiming that humans change because we die. This is easily refuted by the simple action of changing your mind.
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
So immortal humans would evolve? No... they wouldn't, that's the whole point.
sir_spiderman · 6 years ago
But why would we need to?
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
So we don't stagnate? It's not like we are the pinnacle of evolution... if anything we are really shitty compared to what an ideal life-form would be.
sir_spiderman · 6 years ago
But that assumes staying the same is bad. Soon humans will be able to genetically engineer is into any fashion eventually, although, becoming androids is the more reasonable solution.
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
Staying the same IS bad, that's how diseases wipe out civilizations. Everything around us is evolving. No we will not be able to genetically engineer us into anything unless it is before conception, in which case you get exponential growth of a population, which even if you really think we can get off this planet in time, is still a horrible fucking idea.
sir_spiderman · 6 years ago
You obviously have no idea what you're talking about.
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
okie dokie.