rosalinas · 6 years ago
I love that book!
i_ · 6 years ago
I think Louis CK's shpiel about "nigger" is one of the better ones out there. Basically that everyone knows what "the n-word" means so don't pretend you're trying to be not racist or friendly. Just say nigger for fucks sake and own up to the fact that you're saying it.
natethegreat · 6 years ago
s è x y / n i g g é r
luxury male body wash
also look out for
l o v e l y / n i g g é t t e
luxury female body wash
made by:
R i ç h / N i g g é r® inc.
(Yeah I said nigger but I really am not racist it's just that the words thst are the most fun to say are also the most fucked up)
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We at Riçh/Niggér do not condone violence or racism.
Our workers are treated with the utmost respect, are paid more than desired and are treated to the best educational opportunities and are treated to the best of luxury.
We support equal opportunities for all races.
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wolfsbane · 6 years ago
Book is v good 12/10