What was your dream?
by sir_spiderman · 8 comments 6 years ago
sir_spiderman · 6 years ago
I had a dream where my sister tore body parts off my crush in order to replace the injuries on her own body. Also a cockroach started dragging away a bag of chips and it was weird asf.
hyperion · 6 years ago
I was in high school sitting at the cafeteria table listening to my ex talk. It's was a good hearing her talk about herself.
rosalinas · 6 years ago
Many things
World domination, being a goddess, nazi, running from invisible shit, falling, people I love, people I wish they loved me, sex, rape, murder, etc
I'm surprised that I have never (or I think I haven't) had any dream about alien
Mostly supernatural stuffs
sir_spiderman · 6 years ago
I just had an odd one that involved aliens, puppies, some CSI-mystery, and my crush messing up my hair. I think the aliens were supposed to be a scary dream, but the puppies made it so much better.
i_ · 6 years ago
"was" or "is"?
halligan · 6 years ago
My dream is to become a doctor in order to help people and make the world a better place.
halligan · 6 years ago
I think I misinterpreted the prompt
chilledtothebone · 6 years ago
I dreamt that I was a killer clown and I had to kill eight people in a forest and take their picture. Once I had eight pictures of dead people, then I could be “free”. There were two cops chasing me, but they didn’t get good at trying to stop me until I was on murder number seven. I woke up as I snapped victim number eight’s neck.