deleted · 6 years ago
One day when I was maybe 12 my mom, sister, and I were walking home at night and this pickup truck with tinted windows slowed down and matched our walking speed for like 30 seconds and it was really creepy
deleted · 6 years ago
I was camping once and we heard a swan honk in the distance. At the time, me and my friends didn't know what a swan sounded like so we booked it to the nearest house. Oh and I saw a shadow person.
fell_equinox · 6 years ago
When I was in high school I lived in my mom's basement. Someone messed up when putting the concrete in the basement and ended up making a bump where my room door is. It wasn't too bad until we added carpet. Now you have to use your shoulder and force the door open.
I once had 3 whole days alone because my mom was taking my siblings on sports tournaments and someone needed to look after the pets (also because I didn't want to go).
The second night, I had my door shut and I was watching YouTube on my laptop and my door swung open all by itself. Like, it flew open so fast there was no way someone could open and dash, but there was no one there. I called the police and they checked my place out and all the doors and windows were locked and they didn't find anyone.
hydrofalcon · 6 years ago
When I wasn’t younger (I say younger cause I don’t know how old I was) my mom and I were making dinner for Christmas Eve, it wasn’t big feast or anything just my mom and I. I see a shadow figure behind a box in our hallway and I tell her, when we go to look it was completely gone and we were freaked out at the dinner table the rest of the night. I also watched stranger things S2 in the dark sooo I have that going for me.
hydrofalcon · 6 years ago
Another story was pretty stupid but scary at the time. I had gone to a 5-day camp for a school field trip and one of the night we were heading to a bonfire with someone other camp groups (we had been split up into groups of about 8-9 per cabin) and I had left my jacket so 1 of my cabin leaders had come back with me to get it and as soon as we walked out of our cabin with my jacket in hand we heard a roaring/screeching sound that sounded like a mountain lion so we just booked it down the trial and sprinted for a good 2 minutes before we caught up with another group. It was probably an electrical wire tho like a telephone pole.
tarotnathers13th · 6 years ago
It's not something that happened to me, and I've probably mentioned it here in some other chat, but my brother had an experience with a ghost. We went to visit some family friends, needed to take a 7 hour drive to get there, but we get there no problem. They mention the house is legit haunted, and I only learn that after I get a good nights sleep in. It was my last, and my brothers definite last. One night, when he's going to the bathroom, late at night (proper witching hour) in this pitch black dark house, he sees someone blocking the way to the bathroom, a woman. She notices him looking at her, and she screams right in his face, and promptly disappears. He was super freaked that I somehow slept through it, despite being within earshot. He never slept easy at that house since, and always had something to do to keep him awake until tiredness actually forced him to sleep.
sir_spiderman · 6 years ago
I hallucinate. It happens most often when I'm going to sleep, but I'll see people looking at me in the corner of my eyes. When I'm going to sleep, they'll be standing at the front or side of my bed. They will move around and turn their heads, but they never get closer or move things. I just tell myself that they're actually hallucinations and hope I'm not wrong.
rydler · 6 years ago
I hear a voice over my shoulder every so often, whispering my name loudly. It's a male that I've never heard from anywhere else.
wimsyexpergefactor · 6 years ago
Lots of creepy junk in my life, but a humorous one is when I ran into a dude in the backwoods of New Hampshire in late winter. I was an idiot and went out at dusk like anyone would tell you not to in the conditions up there, but whatever. I was young and wanted to find the deer trails. The guy was bearded and wide eyed, and was muttering and looking at me like i was a ghost. Freaked me out. He just turned around and walked away. Thing is, i lived in the middle of freaking nowhere. One neighbor within a good few miles. Town an hour (forty min on a summer day) away and no way this dude waded without snow shoes all the way. Asked the neighbor next time I ran into him, and, apparently, sketchy man was a regular visitor around. Never talks to you, just mutters and walks about. Never got up the guts to follow his tracks though. Only saw him twice more. Guess he had shelter somewhere, but dude was creepy. Especially since I was alone hah. Plus he complied with the stereotype of insane hermit.
jordan2001 · 6 years ago
A girl asked for the nudes even tho she knew I was a guy..
adorkable · 6 years ago
I don’t get it?