leincredibleme · 6 years ago
Flamethrower and a marshmallow gun
punchmunchkin · 6 years ago
Ah yes, I remember my sixteenth. For me, the flamethrower unfortunately malfunctioned and I burned my house down. It’s all good though, I live in a dumpster with my family now, eating marshmallows from my marshmallow gun.
mrscollector · 6 years ago
Let's see my 16th birthday I ... Fuck if I know that was 19 years ago lol and I know damn well I didn't get a car not even my drivers license I know this seeing as I STILL DONT HAVE THE DAMN THING!!!! MY DAD TOLD ME YOU DONT NEED ONE BECAUSE ONE OF US OR YOUR 2 OLDER BROTHERS CAN TAKE YOU!!!
wimsyexpergefactor · 6 years ago
In media and whatnot sixteenth bday is a solid milestone? Is that real? Bc Mine was pretty normal and a little pathetic i'm pretty sure. Dad once again forgot I had a birthday and how old I was and so was out of town. I did chores around the house (more than usual even) and got yelled at a couple of times from my mother, heh. (She was having an off day) We did some errands like post office and whatnot. I Bought myself a fish as a gift from me to me. My eldest sister came over late that night after the club closed and she made a pan of brownies. That night I opened a few gifts in my room from my friends (three I think. I was sadly unsocialized. Neat stuff though. some cups, a desk turtle and a book). Then I went to bed. Is that a usual birthday for most people? My girlfriend said it was unusual but she didn't elaborate heh. Is sixteen really a bigger deal than normal?
diyrogue · 6 years ago
Mine was a normal day. Went to school, got out early, got some lunch and did some shopping, and after cake my brother got arrested.
adorkable · 6 years ago
Went out to lunch with my mates, then performed in the school musical later that day
jordan2001 · 6 years ago
I got a car and went to see a movie with my friends.