silvermyth · 6 years ago
For a month, I pretended to be Canadian. It was fun.
cassyinlove · 6 years ago
This wasn't me but my boyfriend, it was his first date ever and he was very nervous. We were watching a movie and I knew he needed a little.. Help. So I told him "I'm cold" and he was like "yeah. It is cold in here"???
But he's better at signals now. Kind of
deleted · 6 years ago
Wore a prom dress
flyingoctopus · 6 years ago
Drank an 8+ week old raw egg. Actually now that I mention it, that wasnt even for a dare...
wimsyexpergefactor · 6 years ago
My brother dared me to eat a live grasshopper when I was twelve. The little shit that I was, I went around our little trailer park and collected bets that I wouldn't eat it, just a buck or two from each friend. (And a five dollar bet from my brother.) Then I ate it. Every last twitching leg. It was nasty, But I got 16 bucks plus bragging rights. It was well worth it.
wimsyexpergefactor · 6 years ago
Also I threw a rock at a hornets nest. Pain happened on that day.
mrfahrenheit · 6 years ago
I killed 18 people lol arent I randem
flyingoctopus · 6 years ago
Random =/= Funny
tcole3710 · 6 years ago
I was dared to cut some of my hair off in primary school. I cut a lot from the front and thought it would be ok if I taped some brown paper to my forehead to hide it. I wasn’t the smartest.
jordan2001 · 6 years ago
I went onto this high roof and sang Uptown Funk as loud as I good while waving at randos.