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rydler · 6 years ago
Again. I have an accidental murder plan specifically for ice hockey accidents. Kill him by “accident”.
kouyaaotsuki · 6 years ago
From experience, it’s hard to kill someone from hockey
rydler · 6 years ago
With enough force. Anything can puncture an organ.
rydler · 6 years ago
All that the plan requires is your hockey gear, a lighter, some tape, and that guy's leg.
ghostwolf · 6 years ago
@hydrofalcon has a good poison idea. Ricin works best. You slip it in his drink, symptoms appear after a few days....eliminating suspicion. Although all the stuff on moral high ground works too.
ghostwolf · 6 years ago
Or publicly humiliate him....make him seem like a loser....
rydler · 6 years ago
Boil apple seeds. Free Cyanide.
rydler · 6 years ago
deleted · 6 years ago
So in rugby we had this guy that though that he was the strongest and always picked on the beginners, after one in the main team heard that he was doing that, he shoulder slammed him to the ground sometimes (even though it's not allowed) and gave him massive shit for being an asshole
kouyaaotsuki · 6 years ago
Anyway, @sheeby78, can you give us a little more info? Is he ganging up with a few other shits or is he alone? Sometimes, I find that if you find someone else he bullies, you can make him feel like a lonely faggot by simply being good friends with the other people he bullies
sheeby78 · 6 years ago
Yeah he's got some fuckers who help him and he practically runs the team. He's really good at hockey so all the coachs love him and he refers to everyone as poor because he has Gucci and supreme shit.
pitty · 6 years ago
Make sure he does somethig around other teachers/staff, then. Then run out, crying, and they'll probably chase you. Even if they don't, the staff will see something is wrong.
kouyaaotsuki · 6 years ago
Damn, it sounds like someone I once knew when I was doing hockey. Maybe he wasn’t meaning to hurt you and thought he was just teasing. Get the team to notice what an asshole he is. Are you the only one he targets? Or is he doing this to your teammates as well?
hydrofalcon · 6 years ago
You just have to get some of the team to agree with you, this would help if you are not the only one he targets, they will help you and confront him about it if you eventually suggest it. If he then keeps mocking you guys about being “poor” then just say you don’t care about the stuff he has or how rich he is.
purplepumpkin · 6 years ago
Guys your murder plans are good and all, but *maybe* this thread could lead the police to OP...
hydrofalcon · 6 years ago
But just maybeee.......
parisqeen · 6 years ago
Do any of these suggestions sound good to you @sheeby78? or would you like more or have you maybe already tried some? Actually, have you done anything to try and stop it so far?
sheeby78 · 6 years ago
Yeah quite a few sound good to me, thank you guys so much it means a lot.
rydler · 6 years ago
And, hey, if you do need any help, just ask.
I will break his legs though.
parisqeen · 6 years ago
Awesome, keep us updated! (and don't kill anyone)