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kakaburra · 6 years ago
I'm sorry you're going through that.
juliesmash · 6 years ago
Have you talked to a counselor or something along those lines? I have just started seeing a counselor for my depression and it does seem to help me understand everything a bit more
vodka · 6 years ago
Please go talk to a proffesional about it. I was like this for years where I didn't feel anything (had some other problems as well). After a while my sister basically kicked me to a psychologist which probably has saved my life because I also stopped calculating danger in doing stuff. For me it was a depression but it can have some other causes as well
deleted · 6 years ago
parisqeen · 6 years ago
Pitty from what you're describing you sound depressed. Like everyone else said, depression isn't when you feel sad all the time, it's actually like an intense emptiness with no emotion at all, kinda like your mind is flat lining or you're stuck on auto-pilot. I had this for 3 years and still do, it's getting better but back when it was bad I would always feel "tired" and empty, I imagined a thin line like on a heart monitor and sometimes when I had a moment of happiness it would spike a little, then go back down, and when I was in a really deep whole where my stomach would churn and the emptiness was so horrible I felt like I NEEDED to feel something, the line would drop. You don't realise when you're sliding into depression, it just happens slowly and soon things that you used to enjoy don't do anything and you just live without any reason behind living except to keep those you love happy. You should see a doctor and they will suggest a psychologist and it only gets better from there.
parisqeen · 6 years ago
However, I could be wrong but it is worth seeing a professional about, they can only help you not hinder.
rydler · 6 years ago
I agree with Paris.
This is how I felt when I was going through it.
This is okay. Seek help, it will pass.
rydler · 6 years ago
Thank you Spook.
parisqeen · 6 years ago
Yes like Rydler said it's okay to feel this way, you didn't cause this it just happens to some people and can be brought on by a multitude of things but you can get better.
pitty · 6 years ago
I don't know if I can see anyone, that's the thing. I don't really want to get my parents involved either
kakaburra · 6 years ago
Telling my parents was one of the most nerve wracking things. However, they went easier on me when I needed to stay home instead of hang out with friends and my mom took me to a specialist and we started trying different medicines to help. Don’t give up if the first thing doesn’t work. You’re not broken, and you are an entire person separate from your suffering. Sorry for the long comment.
r0xanne4444 · 6 years ago
Inquiry: are you on any medication? I know of a few medicines that can cause this kind of feeling due to personal experience
pitty · 6 years ago
I'm not on anything, never have been. Only pills I take are occasionally Asprin or Tylenol, but those are rare.
rydler · 6 years ago
It’s hard to describe but, Dive into your mind and sort out what is causing this. Think about how you are currently feeling and find the source of that feeling.
It’s weird but it worked.
Talk to a close friend, if you want to.
r0xanne4444 · 6 years ago
Find something that you love and do that. I know I talk about theatre a lot but it’s a great example of how I came over my depression. If you’re an artist, take art classes. If you play an instrument, tryout for a local orchestra or smth. Sports? Try out for a team. Find what you like and run with it. It’s like a kind of therapy ya know
vodka · 6 years ago
My parents never cared about me being empty and just shrugged it off. Is there anyone else that's close to you who can make a decision for/with you. Also even a regular doctor can give you some help, my doctor helped me the most by just giving me the pills I wanted and didn't try to milk me out of words
unicycle · 6 years ago
If you can't see a professional then you should focus on the 3 daily things that will help you feel better: sleep, diet, and exercise. These can really help pull people out of a funk, but are often neglected in a depressive episode. So make sure you're getting enough sleep every night (8-10 hours) and try to sleep/wake at the same times to regulate your sleep cycles. Eat healthier foods and try to make sure you're getting more proteins and vitamins than fats. Good cardiovascular exercise will help, but even taking a 20min walk everyday will at least get you out and moving.
parisqeen · 6 years ago
I agree with @unicycle, along with other ways to cope those 3 are very important. If you're old enough you can go see a doctor by yourself, there's no need to get your parents involved but I suggest you try. It can be scary and you may feel like you don't want to scare them or you're being a burden, or you just don't like the idea of accepting there might be something wrong. However, it's for the best and when others know, especially your family, it becomes a lot easier to handle. Have you tried anything to help stop it so far? or just kinda let it happen?
rydler · 6 years ago
Singing helps me. When you’re home alone, play Disney songs and just belt however you feel it.
whitefeather · 6 years ago
Y all!!!!! Singing is gd xxxxx