r0xanne4444 · 6 years ago
Theatre. Getting involved in theatre. Personally I was into the on stage acting, but I know plenty of Crew and Techies and set designers that love it
deleted · 6 years ago
Books. Specifically Brandon Sanderson's and Michael J Sullivan's books. Sanderson's characters (especially in the Stormlight Archive series) are all broken and deal with different mental illnesses, and work on finding ways to overcome it. Kaladin very nearly commits suicide, but ends up changing his mind and goes on to save dozens of lives. Dalinar was a desperate drunk who turned his life around to become one of the most respected men and leaders in the country. Shallan grew up in an abusive household and is still struggling to break free of that mentality as even after leaving, she's starting to develop multiple personalities in her attempt to cope. The books are so full of life lessons and inspiration, and I wish more than 3 of them were out... Life before death, strength before weakness, journey before destination. This sort of explains what I mean, I think. https://riyriamistborn.tumblr.com/post/160753370109/chasmfriend-the-storm-catches-everyone
deleted · 6 years ago
Whereas Sullivan's characters never cease to make me laugh, even on the worst days. They're so full of spunk and sass, and I love Royce and Hadrian with all my heart. Those books are always ones I go to when I need cheering up.
pitty · 6 years ago
Honestly, physical touch always made me feel better. It made me happy to know someone was arround, so I'd always hold my friend's arm or something dumb. Either a friend's touch, or the game Final Fantasy XIII. XIII struck a chord in me that makes me feel alive. It made me sad, sure, but I felt something that lifted the darkness if only for a moment.
moon · 6 years ago
Counselling, researching techniques like CBT.. Writing down what i was feeling, talking to people, looking after myself, doing self care, saying no, making a mood board of what I want for the future
awake_ash · 6 years ago
Big anime tiddies
rosalinas · 6 years ago
I have a letter for myself from me when I was 18? I think
I re-read it when I'm at my dark place
It reminds me of how far I've gone, how stronge I have been and all the battles I have survived
That I won before and I'll win again
That I'm more than my pains and scars
I'm above the bad things that happen me and the mistakes I've made
I'm me and I can and will make it one again
fell_equinox · 6 years ago
My boyfriend helps me, but sometimes it isn't enough. I'm still struggling with mine, but the only way for me to get out of the darkness is to focus on one problem at a time
fire_is_hot · 6 years ago
Today has been a rough day as I've been dealing with depression too. There's some comfort in knowing you aren't the only one going through it. Some days are definitely harder than others though.
rydler · 6 years ago
I knew that I could be going through so much worse. And I knew that other's had gone through things so much harder than I will ever go through. It didn't seem fair that I be held back by something like this when others deal with it so a much deeper and darker extent.
I pushed through, but it wasn't healthy. I got lucky. Someone found me.
spazz · 6 years ago
Exercise helped a lot. I got too tired to stay awake at night, yet was too busy to focus on bad thoughts. Biologically, it helps production of endorphins so that also helps lift the mood.
spazz · 6 years ago
Doesn't have to be anything strenuous, maybe a few push ups or some jogging. Maybe sign up to a gym if you're serious about it l.
fonshell · 6 years ago
I will only watch happy TV shows. I control who and what I allow around me. Positive only stuff. And plenty of cartoons.