guest_ · 6 years ago
It's tough. You'll likely never have a day where you don't feel homesick, and many times after some years you get used to being in anew place so even if you go home you now miss where you were sometimes. It gets easier with time though. Soon school will end and you'll have to go somewhere new and start a new life, maybe in a totally new place with new friends. Try to find things to like about your new home and stay busy. Go home when you can, but try and adjust to how your life is and enjoy the things you couldn't if you were home. If you're in Nor cal and need some spots just ask and I'll reccomend. Our 6 flags is pretty lame in comparison and great America is Weak, but there's other stuff to like. Flights to LA can be found for under $100 if you keep an eye out. Good luck- there's no cure for homesick but try to enjoy this moment as it is and know that 4 years isn't that long, so don't let yourself later regret wasting this brief "vacation" sad.
dash224 · 6 years ago
Thank you. Yeah I try to keep myself occupied. And I’m actually in Arizona, but I love Northern California
guest_ · 6 years ago
I figured it was likely one of the two. Arizona has some charm, I sadly don't have any recommendations though. The nice thing about someone different is... the differences. The things you can't or wouldn't do back home. It's a good chance to discover new things and find new experiences. It's hardest at first but gets easier. Just remember it's just like Disney land. You go there, have fun, but eventually have to leave. You don't let the fact the fun will have to end ruin your time at the park and when you leave you don't let it hang you up that you aren't in Disneyland anymore. You just enjoy things while they are there for what they are no matter where you end up. Even if it seems like years ago and a million miles away you can always go back when you are ready.
dash224 · 6 years ago
That was actually a good way to look at it. Just live in the moment. Thank you for you advice!
guest_ · 6 years ago
Good luck dash. Anytime, or if you just want to chat. Funsub is here.
dr_richard_ew · 6 years ago
If I learned one thing from living at college is that there are things you miss from both places. When I'm here I miss my parents, my cat, having my own bathroom, home made food, and when I'm at home for a while I start to miss being independent and hanging out with my friends (Not to mention faster Internet lol). It's hard, but you gotta appreciate everything on both ends of the spectrum
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
Weed out (no not a play on words) what you really miss; specifically who in your family and friends and let them know. Let them know you are willing to forge a life-long friendship. With those that are in agreement, talk with them at least once a month; never ignore their calls, always leave a voicemail if it comes to that. Without a doubt, my purest friend; while not my best friend, is a friend I haven't seen since 6th grade, which was 17 years ago. I haven't been face to face with him for literally 2/3rds of my life... but besides a dark age that lasted about 4 years (Idk how, but his cell number snapped inside my head and I could recite it like I was possessed... and he never changed it over those years)... Now he's my numbre uno confidant. He'd be number 2 if my pick and roll homie didn't jet off to Japan with 6 pairs of my boxers and 2 pairs of my shorts. G-Money was number 2; J-Teezy lost his wings; G-Money is number one.... God help us all.