guest_ · 6 years ago
If two people started chats at the precise and exact same moment as each other... the latency and other factors would determine which showed first. As in who Evers machine interpreted and packaged the request first, and/or had the better connection to the server. If we remove those variables- and both requests reach the server at the exact same time..... If there's one network card both requests would likely be retired until they could be processed and the one processed first would depend on how the server queues data. If there are multiple network inputs and processors, once they reach a point where both requests require an action that can't be performed at the same time is needed- one will be prioritized. A simple way to do this is simply to give the higher or lower numbered processor priority, but the specifics are up to who set up the system. This is very simplified but is in essence what would likely occurred in a reasonably designed system.
dr_richard_ew · 6 years ago
This is some deep philosophical shit man
internet · 6 years ago
yea, what he said
mrfahrenheit · 6 years ago
Hah nerd