parisqeen · 6 years ago
They are?
dash224 · 6 years ago
Yeah I’ve gotten downvoted before for talking about alcohol and I’ve seen a few other conversations where other people were downvoted for the same reasons. I might be reading into it but it just seems like it happens a lot.
parisqeen · 6 years ago
I'm not sure, I'd like to hear reasons behind the down voting too cause I didn't notice that
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
I haven't noticed that, but I'll keep an eye out now lol.
moon · 6 years ago
I think there are people who just go about down voting everything.. Plus I've found people are more pro weed on here
deleted · 6 years ago
I am not against people drinking or smoking. But I don't like it, I have seen the bad effects up close, so not any of the stuff for me. But, I don't go on downvoting people, it their business and their point of view. I don't want to take drugs and alcohol and that's what I advice people but, if they wanna do stuff, who am I to stop them?