typow · 6 years ago
I've been told and try to believe, they have animals that we're injured and needed a good home. Like a bald eagle that could no longer fly or otters that are deaf or blind.
deleted · 6 years ago
Depends on the zoo, really. Some are really good, some are really bad, most are somewhere in between
pripyatplatypus · 6 years ago
I think, as a whole, they've come a long way since their inception as a way to see exotic animals. Conservation is key for most of them.
vodka · 6 years ago
Some are good, some are okay and some are bad. But I do like the idea behind a zoo. We also have an amazing recently build zoo here in The Netherlands. I like how the inclosures there are more spacious. It's an overall lovely zoo.
guest_ · 6 years ago
I love the experience of seeing and sometimes interacting with all the animals. I think research and conservation are important, and many zoos also rehabilitate animals to the wild or take animals that for various reasons would be unlikely to survive in the wild. I don't like the "circus show" component where animals are often kept in too small an enclosure to allow natural behavior, or without proper stimulation of campanionship. Zoos should be about the animals first and the viewing experience second. But money. They need money to stay open and do the good work. People bring money but only if you make it interesting for them. Keeping the sizes and number of animals to simulate nature would be immensely expensive and impractical in large urban areas especially. So they have good points and bad. In the end though I think it's like having a pet. For all the good points and all the whimsy- if you can't afford to care and provide the space and companionship needed you shouldn't have them.
infosubstance · 6 years ago
I think if they take an animal from the wild they should only have it there for a certain period and then release it, its only fair to the animal, if its born in captivity its "ok" because they wouldn't know how to survive on their own in the wild, as long as the animals are happy and have a good environment to live in its a good zoo to me
deleted · 6 years ago
@vodka which one are you talking about? It’s been too long since I went to the zoo
vodka · 6 years ago
It's Wildlands in Emmen. I had to go there for my school a lot in the time they were still building and putting last touches on it but even then it was a nice zoo. It's definately worth to check out @yimmye
ghilliegirl · 6 years ago
Definitely depends on the Zoo.
I live near a great zoo that really works on education and conservation.
It definitely puts the animals first and its so good to see.
creativedragonbaby · 6 years ago
I once had a stay over at the local zoo. We got to ask questions. My question included the word “cage.” The instructors suddenly got very defensive and said “we call it an enclosure.” Guilty much? Anyway, they do have a building for sick animals, and we’re part of a conservation program
deleted · 6 years ago
Ah thank you, I only ever went to the old zoo in Emmen before it closed, will definitely visit it sooner or later