spazz · 6 years ago
Almost a week back, I got news that one of my friends passed away. Her health wasn't in a great condition for the past month or so, and then I found out she had liver failure and didn't make it. I feel god awful for not being there till the last minute, and haven't been dealing with the outcome well.
rosalinas · 6 years ago
Lots crying
parisqeen · 6 years ago
I have, more than one and I am so sorry you're dealing with that now. It is one of, if not the worst feeling in the world. There's not much you can do to ease the pain, time is honestly the only thing that helps but for me talking to others about how lovely they were and the memories you had with them helps a bit. Crying is also important, let it all out whenever you need to, let sad feelings pass through and let yourself grieve. Talk to those who are grieving with you, friends and family are important when you're trying to heal. Write it down if you can, a diary/journal is like a friend who won't judge you or say anything, it will just listen. Lastly, it will take a long time for you to actually process what has happened, so don't feel guilty if you feel nothing or can't cry for some time, this is normal. Remember the happy memories you had with her and don't push guilt on yourself for not being there, she wouldn't want that.
betterthanyou · 6 years ago
Cry. Just let it out. Remember the good qualities of the person and the fun times you had together.
diggle · 6 years ago
I'm really sorry to hear the loss of your friend, I lost a friend a couple of years back to heroine. Remember the good times and surround yourself with your other friends.
kittyrawrrawr · 6 years ago
Do things to commemorate how the person lived. Find someone you care about who cared about the friend and mourn together. Remember the good and the stupid and let it hurt.. so that you can laugh shortly after...
wimsyexpergefactor · 6 years ago
All of the advice already put out is good. Make sure to cry, make sure to mourn. But something else is to let yourself move on. Don't ever feel guilty for not crying through the night. That night will come, and something I've always dealt with when I've lost a friend is feeling like the sun of the earth, or like I've forgotten them. Don't let yourself think that. It's normal for the body to begin to move on, sometimes before you feel like you should be allowed to stop crying. I never forget the friends I've lost, but I don't remember them every day. I get mad about that Sometimes, but it's natural. However your brain decides to grieve, let it. Let yourself be angry, be sad, but don't hate yourself when you don't. I hope things get better for you.
spazz · 6 years ago
Thanks guys, it means a lot. I had been beating myself up over it, feeling as if I was moving on too fast, especially considering I've known her since we were 6. She was literally like a sister to me. I'm just looking through a bunch of photos right now, and remembering the good times.