zinope · 5 years ago
Try to argue that Zeus was in the right for raping everything?
katzumi · 5 years ago
You can write about their social hierarchy / social structure
deleted · 5 years ago
I've always liked that Socrates and Jesus Christ are only known through the writing of others, and have often wondered what an "atheistic" argument against Socrates existence would be like.
mrfahrenheit · 5 years ago
Zeus and his impact on the fall of the Nazi regime
sublimegamer · 5 years ago
The apostle Paul journeying through Greece. Did it impact the Greek culture majorly or barely at all?
deleted · 5 years ago
How religious were the ancient greeks really? Did they take every story literally or were they aware that they were just stories, did they take worshipping gods as seriously as modern religions do, or was it more a knock on wood type of thing?
Cool thing about this topic is that there isn’t a whole lot of evidence either way so you can just go wild with your speculations