purplepumpkin · 5 years ago
So, here's the thing : I got a presentation to do (in November) about the evolution of vampire, werewolves and other monsters folklore. I'm looking forward to actually begin the written part, and the teacher has asked us to go nuts to impress him. He wants us to think like we're doing an exposition in a museum and not a boring college presentation.
So far I've thought of giving away vampire dentures-shaped candies to everyone in the classroom, and do my presentation in the dark (the only source of light will be a chandelier with led candles), wearing myself plastic fangs. I've also thought of biting someone but it would be too kinky or too vicious (depending on who I choose) for class.
Do you have any other ideas?
purplepumpkin · 5 years ago
(and also show a bit of Nosferatu and Buffy the vampire slayer theme at the end). Any suggestion for a cool music I can use as a background when I speak?
xvarnah · 5 years ago
It partly depends on what kind of music you want, whether you want vocals or just music itself, how long the presentation goes for (or, more simply, how long the music needs to be playing), and what the mood you want to be
xvarnah · 5 years ago
Depending on the regulations of your school, you could potentially pass out (or just wear one yourself) small vials of "blood" for people to drink (fruit punch works), or do candy silver bullets etc as another option (since you're also talking about werewolves). If there's other creatures you've included that could also be helpful information
xvarnah · 5 years ago
Since your presentation is about the evolution of these creatures you could potentially start out giving the presentation normally and then add things like the fangs/drinking the blood/turning out all the lights in as your presentation progresses
purplepumpkin · 5 years ago
I'll have 20 minutes ahead of me, and as I don't talk really loud I think non-vocal would be the best choice... I won't be able to do silver bullets candy but I do like the idea of blood vials. I don't know yet what I'm going to include but I was thinking to at the very least mention hybrids, from the harpies, mermaids and "seamonks" of the Antiquity/Middle Ages to Mary Shelley's Frankenstein...
(I didn't express myself very well btw : it's not the evolution of the creatures but their folklores...how they've been perceived through times).
I've also thought of doing a full dress up but maybe that would be going overboard and it would be perhaps a bit hard not to fall into the easy ways of cheap fake Victorian stuff... (I mean, I'm in college and my teacher's a historian so if I come with lace gloves, a velvety cape with spiders on it and a big fake ruby he's not gonna like it).
Also I'm going to tape a pic of an empty classroom to a mirror to "test for vampires".