xvarnah · 5 years ago
Can you give an example?
diabetes · 5 years ago
Yes. I lie about any symptoms of illness because unless they can see it I've always assumed no one will believe me
unicycle · 5 years ago
For about 8 years I told my entire family I was "just tired" when I was actually severely depressed. It's awful when no one can understand but sometimes you have to say whatever will get the result you need.
creativedragonbaby · 5 years ago
I understand. Sometimes you know that people will smother you if you tell them, when you just need space
dolphinmaster77 · 5 years ago
Yes I have. In my experience only a crisis would make people take my mental problems seriously. So if I ever felt bad i’d Just say I was physically sick.
xvarnah · 5 years ago
I think most people do this/have done it at some point. And, as an alternative, a lot of people lie about anything being wrong at all. Or they actually reach a point of having their mental issues build up to such a degree they actually do manifest as physical symptoms
bellag · 5 years ago
I have severe anxiety in all situations and I always lie and say that I'm just tired as the answer
chilledtothebone · 5 years ago
If I say I’m having a panic attack, I get sent back to class and told to get over it or just ignore it. If I say I feel like I’m going to pass out or throw up (which is a half-truth), I’m allowed to go to the clinic and lie down.
mialinay · 5 years ago
I didn't go to uni today and I told everyone it was because of my lumbago (which I do habe, but meds are working fine) when in reality I'm suffering from a deep phase of depression atm
karlboll · 5 years ago
Yeah, I usually say I'm tired or I've been ill.