
I saw this post about evolution 17 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Cross breeding isn't evolution. Hybrids between similar species in a genus are always sterile. Mules, ligers, sheep-goats etc. are sterile. Evolution has a hard time coming about through true mutations anyway. Much of what we till now have called mutations are being discovered to be thrown switches, information already present in the gene. As well, our growing understanding of epigenetic factors within the cell itself, is causing the traditional definition of evolution to be rewritten, not strengthened. Uncommon Dissent by William Dembski addresses this in deep detail.
I saw this post about evolution 17 comments
guest · 9 years ago
No matter how many mutations, it's still a lizard. Malaria is still malaria, and a virus is still a virus, no matter how many thousands of trillions of generations of viruses and malaria have bred in humans throughout the ages; they're still the same basic organism. Beyond this, the mutation always presents a loss of information in the organism, so that, in the long run, mutation is deleted again by the majority population. We have different species, but "intermediate" species always take a complete form unto themselves. If I saw more evidence of evolution, I would believe it. I have 11 years of university with honors, and there are still too many questions evolutionists leave unanswered. Most folks I meet adhere to evolution because they want to put God on the defense about the harm He allows us to commit, so that we can continue to do the things we blame Him for allowing in the first place. Read Bones of Contention by Marvin Lubenow.
"you're all going to regret..." 14 comments
guest · 9 years ago
I would have dated her before she started wearing makeup and dresses. She looks like a girl with a sharp mind who knows how to have fun in a creek.