
you shouldn't be 11 comments
guest · 9 years ago
What about growing pot though?
And I'm pretty sure the girl would want a husband who finds her attractive as well 13 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Deviledapple, I am happily married to a woman who KNOWs she has never been the one to find hot on first sight, after we got to know each other for almost a year, we fell in love with each other, and its like an annoyingly swwet hollywood movie ever since. Now, I am probably an 7 or 8, she is a 5 or 6, I don't know that for sure, fact is, when we see each other, there is the biggest smile on our faces. And if I wasn't married to her, I would totally hit on you, just for the glimpse of your fine personality you just let me see here. Rrrrr...
I am astonished how few people can apparently NOT imagine, a blind person could fall in love with another.
Husband doing housework 14 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Honestly, it seems these guys are at best fucking lazy, but most probably just plain retarded. The question remains though, why the fuck would a woman marry a dick and/or dope like this?