
Fat acceptance 43 comments
guest · 9 years ago
She would go out shopping, and every time someone looked at her, stared at her, made a double glance at her, or complemented her, she would be beaten miserably by her husband. Yeah, she let herself go, Yeah, she put up with all the laughing, all the snickers, and jokes, she put up with them so her 10 KIDS could have a mom. You know what this post should be called, because I'll tell you, It should be called, "Being an A$$H0L3 because I want to feel better about myself." I see these woman, and I see people who won't take crap like this from scum like you, because they love who they are and don't care what you think. I see some beautiful ladies, who more than likely, have a good heart. Something I can say about ANYONE that agrees or laughs at this post.
Fat acceptance 43 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Lets just take a step back and realize how SICK it is to judge people without knowing them. Lets just take a step back and realize that these are living breathing woman that you know nothing about, yet you dare to say that you know them well enough to accuse them of refusing to stop eating. Oftentimes I, and some other plus-sized people I know, can go for DAYS, yes D-A-Y-S without eating and we won't notice until someone points it out. Some people work as hard as they can, going to the gym everyday, running, using exercising programs, ect. and still can't lose the weight. I look at posts like these and I can't help but to feel upset and wronged, because even though YOU DON'T KNOW these people you STILL feel entitled to judging them. One of the most amazing, kindest most beautiful ladies I knew was as heavy as the last girl in this post. Anyone and everyone that didn't know her judged her, and that was a shame, because she used be be really thin until she got into an abusive marriage. S