
Why not rename feminism to equalism? 34 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Stopped but issues for women are things like the wage gap (where women are paid less than men), or the fact that in Saudi Arabia, it is illegal for women to vote or drive, or the issue of child brides or that marital rape is legal in some places. So, in my personal opinion, men's issues are VERY important and should be taken care of and stopped but, realistically, there are a lot more of women's issues (especially women of colour and women in developing countries) and they are much much more severe, which is why feminism exists in the first place. So really, I think that the name isn't a very smart reason to say that you aren't a feminist. Sorry for the long comment. Thoughts?
Why not rename feminism to equalism? 34 comments
guest · 9 years ago
I agree with you! Some people who call themselves feminists are really just sexist towards men. Realistically, though, there are more people who are sexist towards women. Which is why I feel that misandrists who call themselves feminists are probably the minority. If the issue with the name is that sexism towards men then I don't think that we should change the name because of a few misandrists who call themselves feminists. However, I think that the issue is more like representation for men. In that case, I still don't think that we should change the name because, while sexism DOES affect men, realistically, the sexism issues for women are of a far greater scale and there are many more of them. For example, sexism towards men generally takes place in terms of harmful gender norms such as "men shouldn't cry" or "men have to be really tough" or "only the father in the family has to go out and have a job" - all of these things are really really harmful and sexist, and they should be
Don't know if anyone's posted this yet 18 comments
guest · 9 years ago
This has to be said 30 comments
guest · 9 years ago
I don't understand how you can let such a small thing become such an issue for you? Firstly, why can you not just let people express themselves without criticising them on the (frankly very stupid) reasoning of: "it's annoying". These people aren't harming anyone, in fact, they're actually supporting a really good cause. Secondly, changing your profile picture rainbow isn't obligatory, you aren't being forced to do it - you just can if you want to. Are you homophobic? Is that why this is bothering you?
This has to be said 30 comments
guest · 9 years ago
This is an equality issue. Here is my reasoning: some people in the USA were previously not entitled to what other people were entitled based on circumstances they could not change, it was an unequal law so it is an issue of equality.
This has to be said 30 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Garlog, I'm sorry, but if such small things annoy you, then it's probably time to rethink how you live your life. By making their profile pictures rainbow, people are supporting gay rights. I don't see how this is a problem.
This has to be said 30 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Agreed. But it's still quite a nice gesture. I'm not saying everyone has to make their picture rainbow. Just do it if you want to. And please don't complain about it.
Kids say the funniest and smartest things sometimes 17 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Kid pees on a dog in front of me, I'll knife him.