
Who else needs it? 5 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Or you can just learn to say "sorry, but I finally won't come, I'm really not in the mood, sorry". It has saved my life countless times since I learned it.
This is all coffee has ever done for me 7 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Exactly what my fifth coffee of the day always feels like. I only want to drink it at 5 or 6 PM, when I have been working hard for 8 hours but still have shit to do, and it just feels like a discharge of pure poison runs through my body.
White people 28 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Dear Envius,
I don't care about the downvotes you got. Thanks for these two comments.
Plus, these views on what "white privilege" is believed to be are fundamentally racist.