
True history fans 17 comments
guest · 8 years ago
This seems like history gatekeeping to me.
Cow 15 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Shia dropping da metaphysical question 8 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Is that the Punisher in there?
Very unpopular opinion 70 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Well, the shipping part was still whites.
So Frozen Was The First One You Say? 14 comments
guest · 8 years ago
No one needed saving in Alice in Wonderland.
Soul mates explained scientifically. 37 comments
guest · 8 years ago
But all things in the universe trend towards entropy, so scientifically the atoms would drift farther and farther apart, not come together...
My childhood crush 20 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Oh hell yeah.
Poor digi 2 comments
guest · 8 years ago
There is so much win in one little shirt
Pray for whole world, not just Paris. 49 comments
guest · 8 years ago
There it is! I was wondering when I'd see the first "exactly what this said" post on the internet! Funsubstance, you never let me down!
Gene Wilder then and now 17 comments
guest · 9 years ago
You mean to tell me people age? Blasphemy!
Some helpful tips if you visit the united states 25 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Come to Texas stay because you got shot for no reason by one of our psychotic, gun-toting population.