
Realistic Kirby 24 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Why must you hurt me in this way
That's not even my gender! 45 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Why does it even matter. You're friend feels happier and more comfortable making adjustments to their life. Do they not deserve that happiness? Why do people feel the need to point fingers and say that the way someone feels is BS. Is it hurting you? No? Then stop fueling transphobia by denying something that a person has probably struggled with their whole life. I just don't get the posts about people screaming about gender. Let people choose how to live their life so that they can be happy and stop questioning the legitimacy of something that you have never experienced. I can guarantee you haven't bc I can guarantee you have never been that person. Nuff said.
bread memes. 35 comments
guest · 8 years ago
There are two birth sexes determined by chromosomes. However gender is a spectrum separate from sex. There are people who identify with neither the male nor female gender and fall somewhere in the middle of the spectrum. This is not just tumblrites making stuff up. It is related to neurochemistry. Especially hormonal differences can cause someone to feel most comfortable and most themselves identifying somewhere between male and female gender. Most of the time gender and sex correlate. Sometimes they don't. People often don't understand experience that is foreign to them
They can destroy a man's life with one lie 53 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Why do we need to play "who has it worse"? I'll give you a heads up, nobody wins that game. Instead why don't we have sympathy for both people who are raped and people who are falsely accused of rape (yes, women can also be falsely accused of rape and men can also be raped) and work towards solutions for both violating an innocent person's body and false rape allegations. Instead of whining about "liberals" or "tumblrites" try suggesting solutions to the problems you feel passionate about. Because there is no "better" in those situations. Both are emotionally scarring and permanently damaging. Just a thought.
100% relatable 26 comments
guest · 8 years ago
"Giving birth and stuff"