
What Paris Looked Like As 1 Million People March Against Terror 61 comments
guest · 7 years ago
I may get downvoted for this but honestly, this needs to be said. That Charlie guy drew disrespectful cartoons of Prophet Muhammed PBUH. Muslims worship and look up to him as the most honourable, selfless and perfect human to have walked the earth. Naturally they get offended. Wouldn't you if someone insulted your parents or someone you idolised? Just saying, no disrespect meant. I am not saying those terrorists did the right thing killing all those people. They were pigs and belong to no religion. But supporting the guy who hurt the sentiments of god knows how many people, that's not right either. If you wanna criticise, criticise both the terrorists and the Charlie guy. Coz it's just not fair to support one and blame the other when BOTH are wrong.