
Dear birdy 1 comments
guest · 7 years ago
First I read With your father. Which also works. Not for the birds.
Multiverse theory 9 comments
guest · 7 years ago
I'm a philosopher not a physicist, so I am not talking about physicist's theory, of which I know nothing. Multiverses are A FACT, so simple and plain I am actually amazed there are people who even doubt it. In the infinity of time in "svemir"as we call it here (all there is, all the "world",rough translation) there simply MUST be everything it could possibly (or impossibly from our point of view) be. Simply everything must happen. But, and as in Hitler's buddy Rohm's case, it's a big but*, that's actually the catch.Even here"in our universe"as we can testify there are actually billions of sentient beings that doubt that. And we even have uncontacted tribes that don't know what part of the day it is,cause they simply don't have concepts of time,or even being or even thought.We can have whole universes of beings that know but choose not to believe in multiv.but also universes that can't even comprehend.Ever.But that doesn't stop Mv's factual existence. Not here nor there. Simple as that.
Life 45 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Hahaha oh how I like those white people's problems. Although I'm white too. WASP people problems. I also live in a country with mandatory h.i.,but I also live in a country where you have to bribe for baby delivery anesthetic, or else you won't get it,fcuk mandatory h i when you have only one injection for your(and 50 other people's) disease, one package of pills left in your whole county and you need them literally as the air you inhale, you have literally one shot of anti venom (in densely forested country full of wild pigs let alone snakes). And all of this is, you know, how do I put this, government acknowledged. We have, like in "good"old times of communism state tv announcements on "call for rationing" and "shortages" and call for those more fortunate to donate so we can afford something from abroad, and when good people of, idk, Canada donate cat scan we celebrate 3 days, also on state TV, but if you enter the list for scanning, you'll get it in 2055.! (to be continued... )
Another field you need to fill-up in forms 13 comments
guest · 8 years ago
...but would that be enough? I'm Zorba, Nal Hutt,or you'll have to add Hutt space, Milky way?(?!!) such and such cluster (even "this reality and dimension and multiverse") for Yuuzhan wongs. Would they care then if you are from Earth, Coruscant or Seoul, or Seoul, Korea. No! Just like noone cares if you're from parisien Piccards or you are from Paris, Texas Piccards, you just need to write down Meesa Jar-Jar Binx from Yuuzhan dependency of Milky way. If you wanna make small talk to a potential high school crush.. No sex for you, my friend. Even if they named your school after war Yuuzhan Wong hero or Emperor unificator of galaxies how much do you think there are schools with the same name. But for now, I mean for the 22nd and a half century, you do realise that you at first put colonies on Mars, I don't know New New Mexico or something, so like when you are from Novosibirsk you don't write Novosibirsk Asia, even though you should, it sounds Russian but Russia is in two continents (Sibe
Just for the guys 11 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Men = peeing with their feet and toes towards the ceramic statue of god, girls and my gay Gypsy Muslim buddy, pee "like girls" = feet up front, unless they're grasping to it. Just make some levers down there for automatic toilet seat elevation.And name them after me. Luckily I'm named after Manly P.Hall. Another thing : I don't know about you but us, the big penisy guys, we totallyyy miss it, every time. That last squirt, when the penis is small, the twitch is like 2 millimeters, but for me, and I'm not even black, I splash it through the window sometimes. Getting pee on our buttcheeks is, trust me, least of a concern. You'll get it on your socks, your T-shirt back, toilet paper (think of that blowing your nose on the seat next time),toothbrush cup, your scented candles and moisturising cream you forgot to put its lid on. Move it or loose it. We're not comfortable with toilets at all. We need urinals. Big urinals. That's why we spend a lot of our time in pubs. Or peeing outside.
When I see bubbles 2 comments
guest · 8 years ago
I was never too fond of flying gay bubbles. But, on the other hand, I loooved making caterpillars and ladybugs and turtles and biodoms (space or sub-marine) and bubbledome inside bubbledome and snowman and dough boy and.. well, it's limitless, with my thin juice box straw and bubble foam on my glass table. It takes different strokes. Someone likes tomatos someone likes tomatoes, someone says Star Wars and someone Star Trek. Is there someone else who hates Spongebobish wackos with their flying bubbles out there? Join the bubbledome club!
How to tell twins apart 3 comments
guest · 8 years ago
And they're probably named Pee and Poo (not because they're Chinese, while we're at it, what do they do with families that have hereditary trait for twin birth, isn't it illegal to have big families there )