
Male to female transformation 63 comments
guest · 6 years ago
interactions and never go outside, or never feel calm, or not try their best. If someone is depressed, you don't tell them that the world is actually as terrible as they think, or that they will never feel happy again, or that nobody loves them. Because none of those statements are true! These people have problems! Problems mentally, that makes them feel like shit because they think they're not enough, or that they will mess up. You're not enough of an asshole to tell a guy about to jump from a building that he should do it, are you? You wouldn't offer help or at least tell him something positive about life?
Then why would you, every day, say one small thing to a person that brings them down so deep into the mud that they don't feel like trying anymore? It's not even that hard for YOU. It's just pronouns. But to them, it's so much more.
Show some damn understanding. - S
Male to female transformation 63 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Iblazel, my best friend is transgender, and, yes, he tried to kill himself. But not because he's transgender, no, but because people who he loves and cares about kept on calling him "she". He's got gender dysphoria, and the only thing soothing that is being himself; A boy. He found solace and peace in being himself, and he felt proud whenever he came out to someone, because that meant he told people about who he knew he was inside. And then there were these assholes, people without sympathy, who isn't HIM, who doesn't understand his brain the way he does, that balked and said, "But you have a vagina, right? You were born a girl? You know, girls and boys have different skeletons, hormones and chromosomes. You can never change those things. You're a woman." He laughed it off, joked, every time, but I'm his best friend and I could see that every. Damn. Word. Hurt. If someone has anxiety, you don't tell them that every person hates them and that they should continue hiding from social