
Brilliant Idea If You Have a Baby 5 comments
guest · 6 years ago
funsubstance fun/396524/brilliant-idea-if-you-have-a-baby/
That pink bumpy baby recliner/nap nanny - Recalled due to infant deaths!
The inflatable pool - soft suffocatable edges and if managed to climb up it - risk of falling injury!
That child should not be unsupervised with a blanket (gray or the pink one on the bottom of the pool).
The boppy should not be near them when there is a risk they could fall asleep on it - their warnings go into more details.
This clever space looks like a great idea 4 comments
guest · 6 years ago
The small window is just odd. Pre-modification it would be out of place, and post-modification (if it was intended and remodeled to be this space) it seems like it should be bigger.
But why? 14 comments
guest · 6 years ago
And some companies will deem you ineligible for rehire, i.e. have it in their handbooks/the paperwork you sign upon hiring, if you do not give that two weeks (standard positions), three weeks (managerial positions, more (executive level) positions.
Hair 5 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Just wait (if you're a woman who plans on having kids) shortly (a couple weeks-months depending on your body's hormones) after giving birth, you'll be thinking all your hair is falling out.
During pregnancy your body extends the growth stage (hair= mostly in growing stage, ~10% in resting stage, after resting stage it falls out, online says most lose about 100 hairs a day), post pregnancy all those extended growing ones flip over to resting then falling out, so just as you're sleep deprived, nursing, emotional, and super insecure about your post pregnancy body a lot of hair, oh-so-helpfully, decides it's time to come out in what seems like handfuls, every day until you're back to where you would have been if you had continued your life non-pregnant.
Rights 18 comments
guest · 6 years ago
It's not legal (libel/slander depending on what medium they were falsely claiming, plus filing false police reports, etc.) but very often they are punished minimally for destroying the reputation/relationships/career of the person (male or female) they claimed assaulted them.
Green 22 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Some of the "bac'n bits" are vegan - textured vegetable protein + smoke flavoring = no animal products to be found. Neither a fan of bacon nor the vegan lifestyle myself, but it's surprising the number of vegetarians and vegans who never paid attention to this and are suddenly surprised when they can choose to include it in their meat-less diet.
Recycling old shirts 4 comments
guest · 6 years ago
That's an awfully big gap between the last button and the bottom of this dress/shirt it would flare open a lot with normal wear.
Work karma 5 comments
guest · 6 years ago
As this photo or one almost exactly like it has come up before: No, no one going through the hassle of pumping breast milk would store it in a creamer container - a sanitized small container yes but this no, it separates rather quickly (being non homogonized) so someone actually attempting to pour would think it was spoiled rather than they were getting the "breastmilk cream", It has a strong odor, it's not something that is accidentally confused. If they put some in with creamer then just to mess with a creamer thief in a roommate scenario then they are just as big a jerk as the thief as it is a biological hazard and opens them up for a lawsuit.
14 superhero "shower thoughts" that will make you rethink everything about them 20 comments
guest · 6 years ago
grimreaper is correct - if he was circumcised it wouldn't have healed years later as he grew and his mutant genes kicked into effect, it would still have the same scar tissue. now, if you cut the scar tissue or in theory the entire anatomical part it should grow back.
(So, using a different body part, if he had his earlobe pierced or cut as a child, and his mutant ability kicked in, he would retain the piercing/cut scar, he slices or burns that scar tissue away the earlobe should heal back completely, he gets his ear cut off it should grow back completely, but not until that style of action happens would anything change to the scarred ear).
Awww be nice to your weird neighbour, Canada 24 comments
guest · 6 years ago
It's funny the "Come live here" part, it's rather difficult to get Canadian citizenship. There was a whole thing after Trump won the election on how all these people said they were moving to Canada and giving up their US citizenship and then found out it was going to take more than being unhappy in the states to be able to live and work there.
How have you been doing it? 14 comments
guest · 6 years ago
This would: 1) Be super awkward and full of poorly distributed weight, 2) most likely end up burning you and having you drop your grip and the whole mess dumping into the sink, 3) Melt the plastic colander where it touched the metal pot. If you can't manage to use a colander just purchase a pot with a strainer lid.
Acceptance letter with a twist 10 comments
guest · 6 years ago
This is similar to what my child's kindergarten teacher did. They mailed a note/poem to read the night before with similar confetti to put under his pillow, and the confetti referenced in the rhyme. -.- If he gets one of these in twelve years when applying to colleges, they'd better believe my family will not be one to beg for money from.
Facebook amirite? 7 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Do make sure you get a good/flavorful/farmers market/herloom/(or better yet cherry or grape ones because those have great flavor and are a little more rewarding for first time growers) tomato to do this with, not a flavorless-but-pretty-and-easy-to-ripen-via-gas one. Seriously, if you're going to do the work of tomato growing, do it right.
500k if I die 1 comments
guest · 6 years ago
So many people don't understand this! They act like it's a standard purchase for goods (and yes there can be elements of that, especially in something like health insurance, but that's not the primary goal) when it's really a bet where the insurance company is trying to profit.
U want sum milk? 11 comments
guest · 6 years ago
It could have been a WIC thing (trying to remember the post I read about it on a parenting board years ago...): Your WIC card/check allows you to get certain items, if using the check you have to get all the items on the check/voucher at once, and you can use multiple checks/vouchers at a time. The people were complaining about waste because the wanted the additional WIC approved items (cheese, eggs, true staples not junk) but had to get the milk to go with it and they couldn't get powdered milk (that they could store and use for baking) anymore?
Or it could have been one of the uber-mega-couponers combining with a deal (I don't have time for coupon clipping but I've definitely bought a couple things because the sale plus the store coupon [things expiring in the next day or two so the store sticks a $2-3 off coupon on it] meant I was reducing my overall bill by adding it to my cart. Never seen those deals on milk though.
Sweet, sweet irony 8 comments
guest · 6 years ago
It's what they were raised for. The firefighters were thankful and the pigs were not a lost cost for those farming them. Just because they were rescued rather than burning doesn't change the fact that they are livestock.
This guy is woke 7 comments
guest · 6 years ago
This needs the rest of the naturally occuring chicken egg colors (red, pink, tan, blue, green - has some nice images) - varies by breed/earlobes are an indicator of the color egg you'll get
Toilet thoughts 5 comments
guest · 6 years ago
More fun is the daylight savings ones, especially twins - A kid born just before the cutover (I think it usually happens around 2am, so say at 1:55am) followed by a kid born after the cutover (what would have been 2:05am but is now 1:05am) - so despite being born ten minutes after they are officially about an hour younger.
Trying hard to support his kids yet he's ridiculed 6 comments
guest · 6 years ago
The Mother In Law/the kids' grandmother offered to watch them, he refused.
He deserved it 5 comments
guest · 6 years ago
"Extreme Emotional Disturbance" or "Irresistible Impulse" - pretty sure if some ...person, decides the best time to start saying stuff like that is when you're doing picking up dog poop, that even if they went blind and it was brought to a court of law she would win on one of those two (or claim he was doing some sort of intimidating verbal assault, etc. and she was doing what was an instinctive reaction).
Seriously! 22 comments
guest · 6 years ago
It doesn't start so early that those of us who have to work don't have to pay for before and/or after school care (thankfully cheaper than 1k/mo daycare).
Us - 5:45-6am kids wake up, 6-6:30 getting ready & breakfasts for all, 6:30 spouse drops youngest at daycare and drives into work, 7:00 Drop 5yr old off at before school care that will get him to school b/t 8:50-9:20, school/work/30 min lunch (8hrs/day of work doesn't include commute/lunch) (after school care picks up 5yr old when school gets out at 3:50) - commute home - usually both home by 5 - off to get kids together.
If school started later what time is there for family/homework time? Every minute you start later = a minute you stay later. Schools already provide 2 meals for the families that qualify for food assistance, and staff need home time too.
A lot of those complaining about school starting too early are the types who stay up late, don't have a routine, or their parents take them out to the store at 10pm or later.
Child seat restraints work 2 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Just as an FYI - check your carseat's weight limit for switching them around from rear facing to forward facing. Yes it's more of a PITA to get a kid in rear facing but it is safer as long as they're not over that limit - even if they have to criss-cross their legs to fit in the seat.
This is perfect lol 28 comments
guest · 6 years ago
If they're that comfortable together then there's zero reason why not to do so today. It would make them both feel better.
ASL Mom's Spaghetti 6 comments
guest · 6 years ago
The interpreters for live concerts and festivals usually research the artist's songs and local ASL slang to fit with the songs. It's a lot of work and practice but those who need them are always very appreciative. It is a performance of it's own.
Amazing artist changes sexualised dolls 21 comments
guest · 6 years ago
It's not blinding children to viewing real people in real life, but dolls are designed to provide a toy that they can care for and also pretend represents themselves. This is just giving a beautiful more "like them" option that fits in their doll houses and doll accessories where something like the American Girl is much larger and (not knowing the prices of these, I would assume:) much more expensive.
For all you emotional masochists out on the town. 1 comments
guest · 6 years ago
I would love that for when we go out with my (young) kids - they can see out the window, be "enclosed" into the seat by a parent, but also not repeatedly kick my husband or I (or each other) in the knees/shins because they're mindlessly swinging their legs.
Chocolate stuffed beer mugs 3 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Good with everything but the incorrect ingredient - Cool Whip is *not* whipped cream.
Tory Belleci 9 comments
guest · 6 years ago
@ jolten: "Only /seconds/ to live, what would you do?" [Would do Kari]
Only in USA 26 comments
guest · 6 years ago
The one with the senior lady in the cart - those carts are specifically there for those above child age with special needs - so if she cannot walk around the entire store, and there were no wheelchairs or she didn't/isn't capable of navigating one this is a valid and kind option, not something to shame.
Salvation army 19 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Non profit doesn't mean you don't make money. Non profits make money for their "good works," For profits make money for their shareholders/owners. Both can pay their staff, including their executive staff as much or as little as they like as long as it meets with Federal/State minimum wage laws and volunteer requirements.
Smoke Detector's Job 2 comments
guest · 6 years ago
More like 1% fire, 35% cooking, 64% hey it's the middle of the night? Low battery! Low battery! Are you awake yet? Low battery! Did you have a sleeping child nearby - good luck getting everyone back to sleep before dawn.
For every tantrum you throw, dad is going to use one of your tattoos 5 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Not one of those three sellers look like magic markers, they're all made of the same things, a layer of glue, ink, then a protective layer. People are so quick to jump on the hate, in the case of temporary tattoos it is entirely unjustified.
For every tantrum you throw, dad is going to use one of your tattoos 5 comments
guest · 6 years ago
$40??!! He needs to hit up Walmart and the Dollar Tree it should have cost less than half that. Even the awesome ones SmileMakers have on Amazon cost $25 shipped for 144.
At least it's something, right? 14 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Legally blind vs totally blind. Legally blind 20/200 or worse in the better eye with maximum correction (for things like [US] Federal Quota Funds for Legally Blind Students). Legally blind people can see, totally blind people cannot. The person wearing those glasses is definitely legally blind.
On one hand, he has a point, on the other, I really don't want to see it 7 comments
guest · 6 years ago
American Gods is doing a pretty good job equaling things out in what they show.
Some deep shit 4 comments
guest · 7 years ago
It's one of those riddles that is designed to trick and make the person say the denser object with the same weight weighs more, the one instance where it doesn't work is with precious metals - gold, silver, etc. and gemstones which are weighed in troy ounces. One pound (troy pound is 12 troy ounces) is about 20% lighter than one avoirdupois pound (16 [standard] ounces). So if someone asks which is heavier a pound of feathers or a pound of gold, the [avoirdupois] pound of feathers is heavier than the [troy pound] of gold.
Hot wheels or a barbie toy? 24 comments
guest · 7 years ago
The third toy is the infant/baby/under 3 option, for just those people who can't actually handle picking a boy or girl toy for their precious unique snowflake.
Oh, my mistake 6 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Well to be fair the "quick" in 12 does make it applicable to twinkle (stars twinkle, the pulsing Christmas lights twinkle) where as something just catching/reflecting the light (a gem in a ring, a clean mirror/metal surface) sparkles
Mooom! Throw down some moneyyy! The Taco Man is comiiinnn!!! 12 comments
guest · 7 years ago
So happy they don't - freaking good neighborhood means the ice cream truck does a slow drag probably three times a day in the summer, as well as parking at the community pool while blasting their terrible music and even now creeps through the neighborhood at little kid bedtime. I can only imagine how obnoxious a fleet of taco trucks would be.
Traitor 6 comments
guest · 7 years ago
It's more than getting free Pepsi when working for Pepsi or Coke at Coke, usually when you are employed by one of these you are *not allowed* (on punishment of termination) to purchase or in public consume the competitor. Had a person on my soccer team whose dad worked for Pepsi, she could not have Coke in public with him around.
*packs bags* 6 comments
guest · 7 years ago
That's actually nice, and so much better than the neighborhood in North Carolina that's all Harry Potter themed. Thanks Holly Pointe, but I'll pass on owning a house on "Long Bottom Trail"
24 genius food inventions you never knew you needed! 8 comments
guest · 7 years ago
But...#6 - doesn't most gum come in gum wrappers? I can't me unique in using those to dispose of my gum when it's gone bland.
The victory of the nerd 6 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Federal cap of $9.5k for a 401k??? Last I checked it was $18k/yr (yes it's not going to take him much longer but for most it's almost double what you listed and helps for those of us who like to bring down our tax rate)
Maybe he wanted someone to sit on him 1 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Those anti-harassment seats on the Mexico metro just keep getting more detailed :P
A great idea for politicians 15 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Many of the politicians who can vote on issues are representatives of their states. So in theory they are voting not only with their own views, they are more importantly voting as the people who they represent would vote (a majority, virtually never would every person in any given group vote the same). Unless you're giving everybody of voting eligibility a test it would not be valid. It is the reason on election days there are additional things to vote for (increase in locality taxes for certain projects, and the like).
Just an average galactic joke 1 comments
guest · 7 years ago
-.- only because Disney bought the franchise, otherwise there'd be the twins (Jacen and Jaina) and Anakin. Some of us saw the early bits and were hoping Rey was Jaina and Ben/Kylo was Jacen and would have accepted twisting but oh no, Disney made them no longer cannon :(
way to many veterans deal with this crap 6 comments
guest · 7 years ago
The problem is when they said they'd cover health care for life they did not anticipate where health care costs would go. Yes, there are essential things that the Vets are entitled to. I am not saying otherwise on that. It is frustrating that before they leave they are told by their peers how to make sure they get their disability pay. (Not making it up, not something I heard from someone who heard from someone, it is something I was told by former military moved to GS positions). The money pulled in through military retirement, plus % disability pay, plus potential GS retirement is no small amount. Also the rampant fraud - They can go to a VA Hospital get their prescription, "lose/accidentally throw away/left it on a trip/need it while on a trip" [sometimes legit, but not uncommon for them to sell for profit] and get a free refill. When the cost is anticipated to be "normal" care and balloons into the hundreds of thousands to millions it doesn't leave them with enough to cover for all
Response from mom 16 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Common Core is designed to provide a better understanding and ease with the subjects, it is also designed to build upon itself over the 12 years of school. So *giving it the benefit of the doubt and not yet having had to deal with it* it isn't about knowing a simple pair of numbers being subtracted (427-316 =111 is much easier the standard way rather than 427 - 100, -100, -100, -10, -10, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1=111) but for application in future maths (X -A, -B, -C, etc. = Y), (X/Y - A/Y, -B/C, -B/Y = Z/Y) etc. Find the "easy" things to get closer to the solution. There are other stupid looking problems, such as X-Y= give the answer to the nearest "10", you look at 100-61=X and go "easy 39" but they're not looking for the exact answer, they're looking for "It's close to 40, answer = 40" so you can look at harder things and be able to go "The answer should be near X, if I work it out and get an answer very far from X I did something wrong and need to recalculate".
These illustrations make it easy to learn chinese 17 comments
guest · 7 years ago
If they had drawn a turtle vertical from the side (like swimming up in a pond) it would have been better (two "pitchfork" parts as feet, the [X] and cube above it as part of the shell, the /= [for lack of better way to type it] as the head and the two solid blocks in the middle the body/lower half of shell)
This is an actual snap 24 comments
guest · 7 years ago
@ raven - The entitlement bonus can be up to about $40,000 depending on your skills and what you are committing to in the US Army. It's why you'll see so many expensive cars on the training bases, because fresh out of high school, now legal adults, see their money want to show off with something flashy and buy them. Around almost (likely every) every base you'll see a wealth of strip clubs, tattoo parlors, and car dealerships because of the poor financial management of the newly enlisted.