
Mind blown 15 comments
guest · 5 years ago
@guest_ after reading a few of your posts, you seem to always have interesting opinions, eloquent wording, intelligent basis, and you're starting to make me wonder if you're even human
well 3 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I'm very late to the game, but since no one answered, from what I've read, no one is quite sure, but it might have something to do with a fellow named Maurice Chevalier.
I, personally, like to think it got its start from Lumier in the original beauty and the beast. Which would also be woefully ironic considering his voice actor wasn't French. Either way, once the Internet latches onto something, accuracy becomes irrelevant. Kind of like Australians exclusively eating "shrimp on the Barbie," Canadian's being extremely nice, and Americans occasionally erupting into flash mobs of bald eagles, waving their guns and screaming "FREEDOM!"
If people like it, it's a meme. If it's a meme, it's now your culture, and your best hope is to just accept it. Resistance is futile/will only make it worse.
Lucifer is too hot for church 5 comments
guest · 5 years ago
You'd think, if the church actually wanted to teach people about resisting temptation, they'd WANT to use the most accurate representation possible. I mean, if a lobster-red goat man wielding a large fork starts trying to get you to do stuff, a lot of people are going to know something's up. Or just think they're on a particularly good acid trip. But if it's some super hot/sexy male asking for a favour, people are going to be a lot more receptive (see: Chris Pratt, and the four or five other Chris' everyone is gay for), and the church should probably be giving people a heads up about that. I mean, they'll still go along with it, but at least they'll know they're fucking up while it happens, and have a chance to appreciate being led into temptation by sexy Lucifer.
Cat shaming 5 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Well someone needs to feed her
Who else is hyped for suicide squad? (All trailers) 21 comments
guest · 7 years ago
It was pretty good