
Always happens to me 10 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I already tried to be part of the solution when it happened, tried to convince as many users as possible to stay, talk about it on the discord, any fucking thing but look at the state of the site since Zeus sold it, it's horrible. I'm finished trying to be apart of the solution, it's like recycling when the rest of the neighborhood shits in the street, it's pointless. Might as well move on over to Reddit or some other cancer stricken site like Firmly_Grasspit did cause this site crossed the point of no return a while ago. Keep in mind many of the posts and pictures you see are from bots. That's it, rant over, I'm out, Peace.
Always happens to me 10 comments
guest · 5 years ago
But when it's bots doing a repost circlejerk, it gets annoying. I've been apart of FS for four years now and it's never been this bad. Intrusive ads making the site near impossible to use and repost after repost, from 9;pun to fs and back to 9;pun or Reddit and back to fs. Defend fs all you want but even you bethorien, can't deny this site has gone to shitty hell shit. fuck, even 9;pun's better than this shit anymore, 90% of users are bots, no more personalities except for the ones who stuck around. FS aint what it use to be.
Always happens to me 10 comments
guest · 5 years ago
This and the ads are why I deleted my account, it's very annoying to see repost's from reddit literally move on to Funsub. I just came here from Reddit and seen this a minute ago. No ragerts
Bohoo. Everything revolves around you harry 3 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I mean he did have a book named after him after all...