

engineer Report User
I needed this. Because I'm not bilingual and didn't know. 34 comments
engineer · 7 years ago
I was once lab partners with a bilingual girl. When she spoke on the phone to her bilingual relatives she might rattle off a conversation in Spanish, then get a a phrase like "graphing calculator" and switch to English, then reach another phrase and pop back over to Spanish. She could just flip flop without missing a beat.
No milk stories? I beg to differ. 8 comments
engineer · 7 years ago
Real horrorshow
Good guy mike 30 comments
engineer · 7 years ago
Thanks for all the info guys! I'll look into this. Once again, I'm not an anti-vaxxer, just want to be discerning.
Good guy mike 30 comments
engineer · 7 years ago
I had heard it from my mom who heard it from my family pediatrician that it had mercury. Perhaps I am mistaken.
Good guy mike 30 comments
engineer · 7 years ago
Mostly I'm concerned about mercury and aluminum, heavy metals that stay in the body for years. You get vaccines, you eat tuna, you drink bad tap water, and the heavy metals build up. It's not any one thing but several toxins you ingest throughout your life. I'd rather get mercury poisoning than polio, but I'd rather have neither. It's my old pediatrician who suggested a spaced out schedule. There's a safer way to do these things.
Good guy mike 30 comments
engineer · 7 years ago
Actually, you should consider putting your child on a "spaced-out" schedule. Vaccines may not cause autism, but they're still full of toxins, and those can be hard on a little baby all at once. The anti-vaxxer movement has made it look like all criticism of vaccines is conspiracy theory nonsense.
Well, you heard what she said. Stop. 7 comments
engineer · 7 years ago
She should join forces with Linda.
Secret question 5 comments
engineer · 7 years ago
"What did your father say he was going to get from the store the day he left?"
Ruskies ....They even dance squatting 1 comments
engineer · 7 years ago
In Soviet Russia, laws of physics obey you.
Old snaps you have to see 15 comments
engineer · 7 years ago
Looks like leprosy to me.
We need more like people with this mentality 13 comments
engineer · 7 years ago
I get this a lot. When I tell people I'm an engineer they're all like, "oh that's so great to see a woman in the engineering field! You're going to have so many employment options!" I don't mind those comments, but it got to the point where if they didn't make a big deal out of my gender I got disappointed, which was stupid. I'd been treated like a special little snowflake for so long that I started to feel like a special little snowflake, even though the logical part of my brain knew that wasn't true. Moral of the story, if you make these sorts of comments to people, be prepared for them to start thinking that they're special just for being a woman or whatever.
finger bang bang ...hippies used to put flowers 11 comments
engineer · 7 years ago
Did Ken M start this petition?
It explains your love life 34 comments
engineer · 7 years ago
"I was told immediately that 'they' would never allow it."
I accidentally cosplayed as Indiana Jones for about a year. 7 comments
engineer · 7 years ago
Humphrey Bogart
Imagine how much money they could save 15 comments
engineer · 7 years ago
My roommate, her dad, and her granddad all share the same birthday all 20 years apart.
Yeah but they never had any good candy inside 7 comments
engineer · 7 years ago
Fortune cookies
Being an engineer 1 comments
engineer · 7 years ago
Curse you social skills!
I'm bored 46 comments
engineer · 7 years ago
X-ray vision through glass.
I'm so sick seeing this bs 67 comments
engineer · 7 years ago
Ha ha ha! I can't believe I made that mistake! I really feel dumb now after typing all that out. Well you got some unsolicited information about India I guess :/
I'm so sick seeing this bs 67 comments
engineer · 7 years ago
My professor has adopted a boy from Vietnam and a boy from India, and she spoke about her experience. In some countries like Vietnam, there is a demand for adopted babies, so parents are exploited. The reason she adopted her second son from India is because they have a very strict adoption system to be sure A) there are absolutely relatives that want him and B) he will be well cared for in America. It took years from first contacting the orphanage to actually meeting their son. The reason there are 9,000 unadopted children in India is because India saw the exploitation that went on in other countries because there were more people who wanted to adopt than there were availiable babies.
Can you dig it? 14 comments
engineer · 7 years ago
Probably Cable
Can you dig it? 14 comments
engineer · 7 years ago
OMG! "Buried" reference!
Thank me later 10 comments
engineer · 7 years ago
Thank you so much! I'll have to try this next time I get a headache.
Bioshock is real! 10 comments
engineer · 7 years ago
Would you kindly start building it?