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So in 2018, some snowflakes are trying to ruin this... 16 comments
guest_ · 6 years ago
This isn't a millennial problem. Disney has never released Song of the South on VHS despite their first release being in 1981- before millennials. Millennials weren't the first to try and ban books from public schools and libraries like Tom Sawyer. Going back thousands of years we can see works being criticized for no longer acceptable content. Any work which was acceptable in its time may later be seen as outdated or offensive. Cocker changes but media is preserved as it was made. Can it still be enjoyed is an even dicier issue that hasn't been conclusively agreed upon. Why is it ok to watch a woman beater play sports, read a book by a murderer, watch a film by a child molester? When do we separate the parts that make a thing and decide it is or isn't ok? If you like friends watch it. Stream, DVD, whatever. It isn't ruined if you still enjoy it. If you don't like it or it offends you, there's plenty more to watch or do so go enjoy your life elsewhere.
So in 2018, some snowflakes are trying to ruin this... 16 comments
guest_ · 6 years ago
You're the light that shines the way- I will pay for tickets to your show.
So in 2018, some snowflakes are trying to ruin this... 16 comments
guest_ · 6 years ago
Maybe ironic given the gist of this post but I'm with you. Putting asides that age gap is a personal thing between adults- It was a subject they frequently brought up and addressed, and Monica was the aggressor in the relationship which Richard was reluctant about. Would it be better if they treated Monica as too stupid to be responsible for her own decisions and had Richard "know better" and "tell her what she really wants" by sending her off with "you're too young"?
Shower thoughts !! 5 comments
guest_ · 6 years ago
Both tend to have the goal of saving lives and making the world a better place.
Yes. 4 comments
guest_ · 6 years ago
Your first responsibility is to yourself. You are the one thing you will always have. You are the one common thread in all your relationships of which you can have many. If you aren't healthy no relationship you have can be healthy, so while you sometimes need to put the needs of another before you, you must always protect and foster your own well being. My overarching point was that it's not black and white. You need to do what's best for you. If you two can't reach communication, if you both aren't willing to work through a problem, you're relationship is already doomed and leaving saves both people time and hurt. No one can or should have to "fix" another person. Their issues are theirs, but being together means dealing with those. Some problems can't be worked out, when your fundamental well being is in danger you must protect it. If they don't care enough to protect yours they are a loser, and if they can't give you that one thing nothing else in your relationship matters.
Hell yeah! 6 comments
guest_ · 6 years ago
The only research that supports this is a study in which DNA supposedly belonging to Hitler was found to have distant African roots- in other words it's a relation as close as Hitler and Martin Luther King or Yao Ming are related. An unverified and questionable danish study showed 39 families sharing some distant relation to Hitler, which is a given for most people born- to have cousins some time removed and other distant relatives. Hitler's last direct blood relative (his sister) died in 1960 leaving no known direct relatives. So this is sort of like saying "you're made of the same things as stars.." yes. So is poop. "It's healthy because it's organic!" Rat poison is also organic and natural. That doesn't make it healthy.
Yes. 4 comments
guest_ · 6 years ago
It's rarely as black and white as being treated well or like trash. Usually it is somewhere between with some periods being better than others. What we can forgive depends on us, them, and circumstances. You should value yourself and not stay with someone who treats you as worthless, but all partners will falter in some way given time, even if that is taking a bad day/time out on us, or taking us for granted after a long time together. How we handle it, wether we communicate our stance and decide to forgive and work through it, or wether we walk away depends on our own views of life and value. My rule is generallly that under the right circumstances most things can be forgiven once- twice (or more depending) is not an accident or mistake to be forgiven but a pattern. You don't forgive patterns you recognize them and act assuming that is part of who they are.
This proves that there are some good people in the world 18 comments
guest_ · 6 years ago
I'm rather fond of him and Keanu Reeves from what I know of them. They both seem like good people.
Long exposure picture of traffic lights in rain 12 comments
guest_ · 6 years ago
It would make s cool effect to use in a horror game.
Wow 6 comments
guest_ · 6 years ago
Man finds worlds largest gummy fish. Film at 11.
Feeding a monkey 6 comments
guest_ · 6 years ago
That's why it's best to leave your sanity tucked into bed when you leave the house.
This proves that there are some good people in the world 18 comments
guest_ · 6 years ago
Schrodinger's scandal. As long as you don't open the box everyone is both a slime ball and a saint. These days it seems we are finding quite a few hidden surprises with celebrities though, so I may not jump quickly to any conclusions. I suppose if someone made this meme about Bill Cosby, or many others they'd feel pretty secure at the time, viewed later with the box open though the answers become more clear- although perhaps never conclusive either way. Regardless, Mr. Jackman seems like a nice fellow.
No more double standards in 2018 8 comments
guest_ · 6 years ago
Lmao. Nothing like fecal particles to put a debate over lifting a seat in perspective.
Only in America 4 comments
guest_ · 6 years ago
A banana clip would be a healthier alternative.
I'm a naughty student 9 comments
guest_ · 6 years ago
Yes. It's often confused by non religious types with BADSM- the words of the savior: "Bread Alone Doesn't Sustain Man" a common missunderstanding along with: "Lazarus Got Back To life Quickly" also called LGBTQ.
I'm a naughty student 9 comments
guest_ · 6 years ago
Dick out in class? That's a paddlin. Liking te paddlin? Best believe that's a paddlin.
Real democracy right there. 58 comments
guest_ · 6 years ago
@famousone- they weren't total idiots anymore than anyone else. Things have just changed in 200 years. Many of the basic principals have not and likely won't ever. But they were smart enough to leave room to make changes because they knew they couldn't foresee the future. I'm just saying that relying on their vision as gospel isn't the greatest idea. All men are fallible and shaped by their age. It took quite awhile after they said all men were equal for the law to reflect that black, Asian, or other non white people and women were also humans and should be treated as any white male. They designed a system based off technology and ability as they knew it at the time. We still lack the capability for a secure direct democracy and questions still exist as to wether people are informed enough to trust with such power.
Real democracy right there. 58 comments
guest_ · 6 years ago
It's cool enough- if you aren't the servant, the mail boy, or the woman. Equality isn't about making anyone better than anyone else or more important, it's about the fact that most people don't like being the one who has to get screwed over for someone else to have a good day, or at least taking turns being the one who gets screwed. Wether it's rural amd metropolitan, men and women, whatever group and whatever group, aid we wouldn't trade places if the system worked the same way then the system doesn't work.
Real democracy right there. 58 comments
guest_ · 6 years ago
Yeah. I always look for advice from 200 year old dead guys. That's why I start my day with a hearty meal of beer and grains from my fields prepared by my servants, then hand write some correspondence to be delivered by carrier boy (or pidgeon if urgent) and then start hand working my wheel chair in case the polio takes my legs. Then I make sure not to take too many baths so I don't get infected by ghosts- I wouldn't want to have to drill a hole in my head to let the bad spirits out then shove it full of cow poop to keep leprechauns from stealing my juju. Maybe afterwards I'll go find some ladies and minorities who are getting too full f themselves and give them some work to keep them occupied, and if any lady is too mouthy I'll send her to a doctor to stimulate her nethers and get the energy out (since I don't know what a clitoris is.) if that doesn't work she must have skeletal gingivitis and need a labotomy.
Those guys had the secrets of life all figured out.
· Edited 6 years ago
Real democracy right there. 58 comments
guest_ · 6 years ago
Lmao. It is quite the mess. It's also a laughable idea that size has no bearing on governance, as does the idea of these "utopia" nations without our problems. The grass is always greener. The difference in culture and law will be much greater between Germany for instance and Italy than between California and Florida- despite being geographically closer. There's no perfect place, some people just will take certain problems over others.
Only god can judge me 6 comments
guest_ · 6 years ago
It's rather silly. I've seen all manner of unconventional choices in cuisine, and things that would make a chef cry. There are people who order prime rib medium well. Prime rib! But they're eating it not me. If that's how they want it or how they like it- enjoy. If Starbucks can put coffee and a tray of cupcakes in a blender and call it coffee, no need to judge anyone for wanting a few extra lumps in their Joe. This isn't Europe, we didn't work food crimes into The Hague convention.
· Edited 6 years ago
No more double standards in 2018 8 comments
guest_ · 6 years ago
It seems so. People have decided it's a "men's rights" or "equality" issue to make sure men are properly represented in the bathroom I suppose.
I Love the Stuff  13 comments
guest_ · 6 years ago
I've eaten much raw dough in life. I've gotten sick a few times, and not sick many times. Any raw food kept outside it's "safe" temperature zone or handled I safely can cause illness. Body builders have eaten raw eggs for at least many decades, sushi and many other dishes use raw or undercooked foods, and many restaurants serve deserts based on cookie dough. Then again even raw produce has caused illness, with many media events centered around places like chipotle, or various smoothies or retail chain produce that's contaminated. Can raw dough make you sick? Sure. Will it? Maybe? If it's been kept at safe temperature and prepared clean, it's less likely. Either way it's a risk, and raw cookie dough probably isn't too good for your health already. If you want to indulge now and then you're very unlikely to die, just don't be careless about it (dough left in a moist warm place next to raw seafood for instance.) And if you get sick, that's the price you pay.
Modern invaders 6 comments
guest_ · 6 years ago
Just as the television made it easier for idiots to get their message heard, and the radio before that, and the printing press before that. One of the biggest opponents of the printing press were in fact those in power- because with freedom to information people could put out a message other than the one they controlled. Same with the others in sequence. It isn't the fault of the internet that morons exist, so long as there are morons they will speak, so long as we are equal they will be heard through whatever medium we devise. Perhaps in a few generations they'll bemoan how idiots can not beam thoughts to people's brains along with all the intelligent minds of the world. So it is, so it was, so it shall be until the last of the idiots falls.
Real democracy right there. 58 comments
guest_ · 6 years ago
It's also important to note that many rural areas support cities. One that commonly comes up in farming communities are water rights- something many city voters don't even k ow are going on, but are major events affecting the livelihood and possibly the survival of those people, and often having big impacts through ripple effect on population centers. What's more, if the logic is that it's more important to represent these more populated areas- then why should the rural areas even have to be subject to their laws? One of the major causes of the civil war was that many in rural areas felt urbanites were being represented at their expense. If we want to be counted as one country we have to make sure to try our best to give everyone equal representation, even if they represent the minority of a population.