

— itsame... Report User
Kinda curious 45 comments
itsamemaria · 5 years ago
Yeah but it is easier to say "i'm vegan" than listing all the things you eat or don't eat when someone invites you for dinner... it is just practical in some situations.
Kinda curious 45 comments
itsamemaria · 5 years ago
In regards to the "waste" yes Ibtry not to waste. If i have something from animal origin in my house well itvis already there. They idea not to buy animal products even though they are already made is that you are not giving money/suppirting that practice anymore. And that is my choice of not throwing it away. But again everyone is different.
Kinda curious 45 comments
itsamemaria · 5 years ago
Dude. These examples got out of hand lol. Just saying... people use the term vegan and vegan diet interchangeably.... is just the way is. Like we used to call xerox to all copy machines...
Moved out 6 comments
itsamemaria · 5 years ago
Well yeah if you do it juat because to be a bum is not smart. But people that for whatever reason have to start like that and don't care I applaud them!
Kinda curious 45 comments
itsamemaria · 5 years ago
Anyways "i'm vegan" means those people are on a vegan diet. Most vegans I know try to do the lifestyle too as much as possible. It is just easier I guess or understood you mean you don't eat anything animal. Just like people say I'm lactose intolerant amd they don't say I eat a lactose free diet
Kinda curious 45 comments
itsamemaria · 5 years ago
And regarding cruella. I have decided from some time now not to buy anything leather. And never really bought fur. I do have bags made out of leather because I was not paying attention before. I would feel bad throwing them away since anyways it is already made and bought i just won't anymore. So I would understand if cruella keeps a fur coat for the winter eventhough she is now vegan If she didn't buy them anymore of course. she just maybe doesn't like for things to go to waste. Now, why she hates on puppies I would never agree on. Who hates puppies!? Besides her and Chandler!!!?
Kinda curious 45 comments
itsamemaria · 5 years ago
That is why I said, so it is simple/fair we can say the so called vegans have a vegan diet. Products might not be. For whatever reason misinformation or hypocracy that's anither lifestyle choice didn't than diet
Kinda curious 45 comments
itsamemaria · 5 years ago
Or they can also be defined as vegans a dietary restriction. Just as gluten free is a dietary restriction and not a life style (I mean anyways there is not gluten free shampoos but you get the point)
Kinda curious 45 comments
itsamemaria · 5 years ago
Yes but if we focus on fuel and that's the only thing not 100% vegan a vegan person uses I think is pretty safe to safe that person qualifies as vegan.
Kinda curious 45 comments
itsamemaria · 5 years ago
Yeah but the original post is if they should be allowed to use fuel since it comes from animals. Or if it fits the vegan definition. Now I would day yes because is natural causes. But others might say no because of reasons you point out such as pollution. And I was just saying some people might do their best not to use fuel. And furthermore someone might think an electric car is better for the environment without thinking about/ knowing of the tgings you point out.
Moved out 6 comments
itsamemaria · 5 years ago
Hey, good for people who do this. More power to them. Live with parents, don't. Whatever. But I find people who start like this admirable
Poor guy 22 comments
itsamemaria · 5 years ago
Yeah I thought the same
Kinda curious 45 comments
itsamemaria · 5 years ago
Agreed with some people try their best. And for most it is a gradual transition while you learn or adapt. Also, I have been criticized before like oh you want to "save the planet but do x or y" like yes I would likw to live in a farm and be 100% green, but you know so far I can't do that so not going to go there opposite way and be 0% and not even recycle. So, I'll try my best. And I mean who knows maybe some people drive an electric no leather car or just a bike and have solar power?
Reddit user /u/FuturePunk made these cool retro-style designs of modern media/internet com 6 comments
itsamemaria · 5 years ago
Love it. And Twitter looks like a Florida thing.
Kinda curious 45 comments
itsamemaria · 5 years ago
Yup on a side note some friends try to "tempt" me into eating meat like mixing me almost or making "yummy noises" when they eat it. I don't day anything but I'm there like no, that is not going to work specifically when i remember how bad it makes me feel now.
Kinda curious 45 comments
itsamemaria · 5 years ago
Well first communists are tge biggest hypocrites ever. So bad example lol (joke/not a criticism to you because you probably know that) yes. Not eating meat is my choice and that has changed my metabolism. But my pount was that I don't want to be picky even if it might seem like that is just that i dont't want to get sick. Like another time i just took the chicken of a salad instead of returning it and asking for a new one because I hate yo waste food. And still got sick (maybe bc of some fat left behind or small pieces of chicken I missed idk) and I'm fine usually and the change has helped me and my digestion actually (I can't tolerate meat now because of it but I'm ok with that causr was nevrr a fan and has helped with other health issues) but in some cases others make mistakes. I mean not even in the menu that salad was supposed to have chicken.
Kinda curious 45 comments
itsamemaria · 5 years ago
I understand your point, but there's a difference with using sometging and eating. While most vegans would wantbto use vegan and cruelty free products, that could be a choice, even if it seems/is hypocritical. Not cooking the food in animal products is not necessarily a choice. I mean maybe they choose not to because of animal rights but it can be harmful too. I'm not even vegan, just vegetarian, and I have been sick for eating animal protein (other than egg) without knowing. Your body really rejects it after a while. Once, I realized something was cooked with pork fat and said oh well I already ate it. And it was not pretty the next day... lol
· Edited 5 years ago
Kinda curious 45 comments
itsamemaria · 5 years ago
Maybe some vegans don't. I mean fossils...they died of natural causes. Not real cruelty though.
2 · Edited 5 years ago
Wpoooooooooooof 16 comments
itsamemaria · 5 years ago
Lol ptibull propaganda (just found the term funny idk why. I guess it sounds like Dog's secret agenda)
3 · Edited 5 years ago
Wpoooooooooooof 16 comments
itsamemaria · 5 years ago
Why? I came to chill not to cry!!!!
Some questions you don't ask 7 comments
itsamemaria · 5 years ago
Exactly I get asked if I have kids all the time. Decent people stop it there. Annoying people ask more questions and start reminding me how I'm running out of time....
Some questions you don't ask 7 comments
itsamemaria · 5 years ago
Relatable 5 comments
itsamemaria · 5 years ago
What about girls on her period?
Pisa 3 comments
itsamemaria · 5 years ago
Everyone go home. He won
It's true 24 comments
itsamemaria · 5 years ago
Btw I agree. I love USA but not the only country with freedom. And who cares if the football players want to protest. That's how freedom looks like.