
Com Truise
Circa Survive
Russ Liquid
Bluetech - The Divine Invasion

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I knew it would come to this. 15 comments
klymaxx · 6 years ago
My bro in law (who is "vegan" haha) tried sun gazing..He's the one I learned about it from..he told me and my husband "I'm trying this new thing called sungazing. You get all your food and energy from the sun. The way it's supposed to be. See, Food holds us back. It weighs us down." Two weeks later we asked how it was going and he said "great guys! I haven't eaten in two weeks! I just stare at the sun and I can feel it filling me with its nutrients and energy" He tends to exagerate but I got the feeling he really hadn't eaten. He gave it up after about a month 1/2..went back to being "vegan"
I knew it would come to this. 15 comments
klymaxx · 6 years ago
No, they'll move on to Sun gazing lmao
She is pretty upset about it 11 comments
klymaxx · 6 years ago
Yeah. I hated school for that reason..and the teachers were terrible people. My son is homeschooled so that's probably why he loves it so much
Did all the vegans drown? 4 comments
klymaxx · 6 years ago
I love tofu but I can't eat it :( I think a lot of people avoid it now because of the whole Soy is bad thing that came out a few years ago
She is pretty upset about it 11 comments
klymaxx · 6 years ago
I've had this conversation with my son and he's pretty happy about it. The kid loves school. He says "What comes after college?!" I said "hopefully a good job" He frowns for a minute then says "I'll just stay in college"
Take it from Star-lord himself! 19 comments
klymaxx · 6 years ago
I saw an episode of Taboo where this therapist/psychiatrist took her patient(i don't remember what she suffered from) to a secluded cabin in the woods and gave her a light dose of lsd. After a couple of those sessions her patiens mental condition had improved drastically. I think it's cool that more doctors are coming around to the possible helpful effects of psychedelic therapy. Psychedelics helped me through some of my darkest days. While searching for that Taboo episode I came across this.
· Edited 6 years ago
Couples night out 4 comments
klymaxx · 6 years ago
Aw that's precious. I had a male kitten, Shortstack, and my mom brought home a stray female kitten Gypsy and they became bf/gf. We had 3 other cats at the time but those two were inseperable and hated when the other cats came around them. Like if one of the other cats tried cuddling with Shorty, Gypsy would come out of nowhere and attack the cat and vice versa. My mom and I joked that they were exclusive. When I moved out I had to leave my little prince behind because I couldn't stand to seperate them. It's been 10 years and they're still together at my moms beating up her other cats lol
Did all the vegans drown? 4 comments
klymaxx · 6 years ago
Those "sausages" 3rd row down to the right are delicious especially with eggs(real eggs)
One way to make friends 5 comments
klymaxx · 6 years ago
Haha I just bought a bunch of books from a yard sale..when we left I told my husband you can tell a lot about a person based on their book collection and that based on their collection I thought we would get along
Goddammit jake 5 comments
klymaxx · 6 years ago
Haha So money grows on shrubs
Stop whining about it 2 comments
klymaxx · 6 years ago
It depends on the Lego and how it's sitting on the floor. The bigger ones can be somewhat painful but not too bad if they're sitting flat on the floor. If they're sitting on carpet and get tilted on their side or with a corner sticking up it hurts like a motherf*cker. Or if you tend to drag your feet a little (like i do) and your foot hits a lego and it kind of rolls between the soft arch of your foot and the floor..that's not pleasant either
Budget quality entertainment 17 comments
klymaxx · 6 years ago
Hmm, not at my library. They charge $1 for 3 weeks which is killer :)
An air powered Lego car ! 3 comments
klymaxx · 6 years ago
My Lego addicted son just sh*t his pants
Cures everything 16 comments
klymaxx · 6 years ago
It helps a little with stretch marks too :^D
Relationship goals 4 comments
klymaxx · 6 years ago
My husband sends me pics of cute cats and dogs from the places he works..with the owners permission of course
My son and I made these (melted crayon on rock) 6 comments
klymaxx · 6 years ago
Thanks yuki :^D
My son and I made these (melted crayon on rock) 6 comments
klymaxx · 6 years ago
My son and I made the rainbow one together. I made the other 2. My son thinks the one on the left looks like a "funkaaay huricane" haha
Look at me hooman! I got explosive diarrhea and you can do nothing to stop it! 12 comments
klymaxx · 6 years ago
No no..I used two w's ;) I thought you might make a summoned comment
Look at me hooman! I got explosive diarrhea and you can do nothing to stop it! 12 comments
klymaxx · 6 years ago
I didn't see that at first..At least the glasses blocked it from his eye :^)
Make a wish! 9 comments
klymaxx · 6 years ago
Musical Birthday Flower Candle(very creative lol)
Make a wish! 9 comments
klymaxx · 6 years ago
You're supposed to disconnect the little wire to turn them off. I get them from partyswizzle
Look at me hooman! I got explosive diarrhea and you can do nothing to stop it! 12 comments
klymaxx · 6 years ago
Lmao! Eww! I would love to see the look on his face
Make a wish! 9 comments
klymaxx · 6 years ago
These are awesome! Some of them even play a little tune. They're the only candle I buy for bdays now. It looks so pretty when you put a bunch next to each other. I made a huge bday cake one year and my sis in law bought like 5 pies..we put one on each pie and 2 on the cake It was rad
So is this basically the Jerryboree from Rick and Morty? 1 comments
klymaxx · 6 years ago
It's actually a strip club or some place full of half naked women ;)...sign me up too!
cute 11 comments
klymaxx · 6 years ago
@smitty I wasn't interested in listening to the song until I read your comments...lovely
4 · Edited 6 years ago