How big is yours? 10 comments
lihea · 6 years ago
I've seen women with d cups and an areola the size of 80 % of their breast. if that was the size of their butthole then.... Then I finally understand why fisting can happen?
Dating is hard 7 comments
lihea · 6 years ago
Agreed. You lost nothing and gained valuable time that you would have otherwise wasted on someone with clearly bad humor.
Poor guy 5 comments
lihea · 6 years ago
She wrote him an essay on why he sucks... Poor guy will need years to recover from that...
Employee of the month 3 comments
lihea · 6 years ago
Cleveland is truly a master of words...
Mental illnessĀ  14 comments
lihea · 6 years ago
And that's what many people don't understand; that because you had to keep it together during some really bad stuff, and managed to do it, you now have no more reserve left and fall apart at the most trivial crap.
It's like running a marathon for so long that you pull several muscles in the process, but you crossed the finish line. Now you need time to heal those muscles and can't really walk all that well anymore.
Well played 56 comments
lihea · 6 years ago
Send this to someone who needs motivation 24 comments
lihea · 6 years ago
I really wish I had read this 2 years ago when you posted it. I needed to hear this so bad then.
Still happy to have read it today and will keep reminding myself of it :)
We need POCKETS! 9 comments
lihea · 6 years ago
Preach it!!!
Meh :/ 2 comments
lihea · 6 years ago
This man is secretly a cat. I'm sure of it.
An uncle iroh post today because you never know who'll need it 12 comments
lihea · 6 years ago
We all need more uncle Iroh in our lives.
well, shit happens.. 13 comments
lihea · 6 years ago
72 raisins for going to war? That's a very small reward... To be honest I wouldn't even go to the supermarket for 1172 raisins...
No. 9 comments
lihea · 6 years ago
Instead of a like, I would give this post a cry...
Conservatory room addition in the UK 9 comments
lihea · 6 years ago
That's the first thing I thought!
Bros don't do that 5 comments
lihea · 6 years ago
I once lived around the corner from a nightclub and my bedroom window was right above the only place to get burgers after midnight, so I got to hear a lot of funny drunk convo's.
My fave was:
"You don't even know her!"
" I don't care! I love her!"
" You don't even know what she does!!"
" I don't care, I love her!!"
" You don't even know what her parents do!"
12 · Edited 6 years ago
Perfect photo 3 comments
lihea · 6 years ago
This bird monstrosity could make an entire new franchise of horror movies.
Anotren? 179 comments
lihea · 6 years ago
Economically conscious puffin 21 comments
lihea · 6 years ago
I just think that minimum wage should be enough to live off of. That's what it was intended to guarentee. It doesn't need to be high enough to drive a porsche, but enough to rent a small flat, put food on the table and buy the minimum necessities.
Help! Any advices? 29 comments
lihea · 6 years ago
Choppily swing along to the tune accompanied by a barely audible out of rythm clap and make eye contact with every single person (obviously not at the same time. Hold eye contact for 5 seconds, then move to the next). To smile or not is up to you.
That'll teach them to make things awkward for you!
Disabled cat has a bodyguard friend 3 comments
lihea · 6 years ago
It' ok, I just have something in my eye is all...
Breast friend 5 comments
lihea · 6 years ago
Booby trap
Two types of people 1 comments
lihea · 6 years ago
* Those that pee in the shower
* Those that don't because they have to clean the shower, too.
It's not a joke, it's lament 13 comments
lihea · 6 years ago
Researchers do not make a lot of money! P.I's (primary investigators) are the "supervisors" of researchers and they get decently paid. The regular researchers do not get a lot of money.
In the Netherlands for example, a researcher in his first year (Ph.D yr 1) will get slightly more than minimum wage. That's a fact.
In Norway a postdoc (that means someone who has finished his Ph.D) will get the equivalent of 500 $ more than minimum wage. It's not much.
The P.I's however, they can quite a bit of money. They are the ones going out there getting grants and spending it to fund their research ideas. The researchers then follow the lead of their P.I with varying degrees of personal input.
Research is something you pursue out of passion, not in order to get money.
Bill Nye talking about race 25 comments
lihea · 7 years ago
OMG! The cognitive dissonance alone would be enough to melt his tiny brain!
This is better than the nair instead of conditioner idea!!
10 · Edited 7 years ago
Bill Nye talking about race 25 comments
lihea · 7 years ago
You'd think that facts would help people understand the world around them and that they'd alter their beliefs if proof arose that challenged them. Unfortunately, not so with my brother in law.
We've told him there's no real scientific difference between "races".
We've talked to him about there being no studies that have proven white people with blond hair and blue eyes to be more intelligent, or more emotionally stable than all other people on the planet.
He won't hear it. He proudly proclaims himself to "not be a rational person".
How someone can be proud of that trait is beyond me.. but somehow it's a badge of honor to him...
6 · Edited 7 years ago